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Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Module « sqlalchemy.orm »

Fonction noload - module sqlalchemy.orm

Signature de la fonction noload

def noload(*keys) 



Indicate that the given relationship attribute should remain unloaded.

    The relationship attribute will return ``None`` when accessed without
    producing any loading effect.

    This function is part of the :class:`_orm.Load` interface and supports
    both method-chained and standalone operation.

    :func:`_orm.noload` applies to :func:`_orm.relationship` attributes; for
    column-based attributes, see :func:`_orm.defer`.

    .. note:: Setting this loading strategy as the default strategy
        for a relationship using the :paramref:`.orm.relationship.lazy`
        parameter may cause issues with flushes, such if a delete operation
        needs to load related objects and instead ``None`` was returned.

    .. seealso::
