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Module « sqlalchemy.orm »

Fonction configure_mappers - module sqlalchemy.orm

Signature de la fonction configure_mappers

def configure_mappers() 



Initialize the inter-mapper relationships of all mappers that
    have been constructed thus far across all :class:`_orm.registry`

    The configure step is used to reconcile and initialize the
    :func:`_orm.relationship` linkages between mapped classes, as well as to
    invoke configuration events such as the
    :meth:`_orm.MapperEvents.before_configured` and
    :meth:`_orm.MapperEvents.after_configured`, which may be used by ORM
    extensions or user-defined extension hooks.

    Mapper configuration is normally invoked automatically, the first time
    mappings from a particular :class:`_orm.registry` are used, as well as
    whenever mappings are used and additional not-yet-configured mappers have
    been constructed. The automatic configuration process however is local only
    to the :class:`_orm.registry` involving the target mapper and any related
    :class:`_orm.registry` objects which it may depend on; this is
    equivalent to invoking the :meth:`_orm.registry.configure` method
    on a particular :class:`_orm.registry`.

    By contrast, the :func:`_orm.configure_mappers` function will invoke the
    configuration process on all :class:`_orm.registry` objects that
    exist in memory, and may be useful for scenarios where many individual
    :class:`_orm.registry` objects that are nonetheless interrelated are
    in use.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.4

        As of SQLAlchemy 1.4.0b2, this function works on a
        per-:class:`_orm.registry` basis, locating all :class:`_orm.registry`
        objects present and invoking the :meth:`_orm.registry.configure` method
        on each. The :meth:`_orm.registry.configure` method may be preferred to
        limit the configuration of mappers to those local to a particular
        :class:`_orm.registry` and/or declarative base class.

    Points at which automatic configuration is invoked include when a mapped
    class is instantiated into an instance, as well as when ORM queries
    are emitted using :meth:`.Session.query` or :meth:`_orm.Session.execute`
    with an ORM-enabled statement.

    The mapper configure process, whether invoked by
    :func:`_orm.configure_mappers` or from :meth:`_orm.registry.configure`,
    provides several event hooks that can be used to augment the mapper
    configuration step. These hooks include:

    * :meth:`.MapperEvents.before_configured` - called once before
      :func:`.configure_mappers` or :meth:`_orm.registry.configure` does any
      work; this can be used to establish additional options, properties, or
      related mappings before the operation proceeds.

    * :meth:`.MapperEvents.mapper_configured` - called as each individual
      :class:`_orm.Mapper` is configured within the process; will include all
      mapper state except for backrefs set up by other mappers that are still
      to be configured.

    * :meth:`.MapperEvents.after_configured` - called once after
      :func:`.configure_mappers` or :meth:`_orm.registry.configure` is
      complete; at this stage, all :class:`_orm.Mapper` objects that fall
      within the scope of the configuration operation will be fully configured.
      Note that the calling application may still have other mappings that
      haven't been produced yet, such as if they are in modules as yet
      unimported, and may also have mappings that are still to be configured,
      if they are in other :class:`_orm.registry` collections not part of the
      current scope of configuration.