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Execute after flush has completed, and after the post-exec
state occurs.
.. container:: event_signatures
Example argument forms::
from sqlalchemy import event
@event.listens_for(SomeSessionOrFactory, 'after_flush_postexec')
def receive_after_flush_postexec(session, flush_context):
"listen for the 'after_flush_postexec' event"
# ... (event handling logic) ...
This will be when the 'new', 'dirty', and 'deleted' lists are in
their final state. An actual commit() may or may not have
occurred, depending on whether or not the flush started its own
transaction or participated in a larger transaction.
:param session: The target :class:`.Session`.
:param flush_context: Internal :class:`.UOWTransaction` object
which handles the details of the flush.
.. seealso::
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