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Module « scipy.spatial »

Classe « HalfspaceIntersection »

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class HalfspaceIntersection(_QhullUser):

Description [extrait de HalfspaceIntersection.__doc__]

    HalfspaceIntersection(halfspaces, interior_point, incremental=False, qhull_options=None)

    Halfspace intersections in N dimensions.

    .. versionadded:: 0.19.0

    halfspaces : ndarray of floats, shape (nineq, ndim+1)
        Stacked Inequalities of the form Ax + b <= 0 in format [A; b]
    interior_point : ndarray of floats, shape (ndim,)
        Point clearly inside the region defined by halfspaces. Also called a feasible
        point, it can be obtained by linear programming.
    incremental : bool, optional
        Allow adding new halfspaces incrementally. This takes up some additional
    qhull_options : str, optional
        Additional options to pass to Qhull. See Qhull manual
        for details. (Default: "Qx" for ndim > 4 and "" otherwise)
        Option "H" is always enabled.

    halfspaces : ndarray of double, shape (nineq, ndim+1)
        Input halfspaces.
    interior_point :ndarray of floats, shape (ndim,)
        Input interior point.
    intersections : ndarray of double, shape (ninter, ndim)
        Intersections of all halfspaces.
    dual_points : ndarray of double, shape (nineq, ndim)
        Dual points of the input halfspaces.
    dual_facets : list of lists of ints
        Indices of points forming the (non necessarily simplicial) facets of
        the dual convex hull.
    dual_vertices : ndarray of ints, shape (nvertices,)
        Indices of halfspaces forming the vertices of the dual convex hull.
        For 2-D convex hulls, the vertices are in counterclockwise order.
        For other dimensions, they are in input order.
    dual_equations : ndarray of double, shape (nfacet, ndim+1)
        [normal, offset] forming the hyperplane equation of the dual facet
        (see `Qhull documentation <>`__  for more).
    dual_area : float
        Area of the dual convex hull
    dual_volume : float
        Volume of the dual convex hull

        Raised when Qhull encounters an error condition, such as
        geometrical degeneracy when options to resolve are not enabled.
        Raised if an incompatible array is given as input.

    The intersections are computed using the
    `Qhull library <>`__.
    This reproduces the "qhalf" functionality of Qhull.


    Halfspace intersection of planes forming some polygon

    >>> from scipy.spatial import HalfspaceIntersection
    >>> halfspaces = np.array([[-1, 0., 0.],
    ...                        [0., -1., 0.],
    ...                        [2., 1., -4.],
    ...                        [-0.5, 1., -2.]])
    >>> feasible_point = np.array([0.5, 0.5])
    >>> hs = HalfspaceIntersection(halfspaces, feasible_point)

    Plot halfspaces as filled regions and intersection points:

    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    >>> fig = plt.figure()
    >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect='equal')
    >>> xlim, ylim = (-1, 3), (-1, 3)
    >>> ax.set_xlim(xlim)
    >>> ax.set_ylim(ylim)
    >>> x = np.linspace(-1, 3, 100)
    >>> symbols = ['-', '+', 'x', '*']
    >>> signs = [0, 0, -1, -1]
    >>> fmt = {"color": None, "edgecolor": "b", "alpha": 0.5}
    >>> for h, sym, sign in zip(halfspaces, symbols, signs):
    ...     hlist = h.tolist()
    ...     fmt["hatch"] = sym
    ...     if h[1]== 0:
    ...         ax.axvline(-h[2]/h[0], label='{}x+{}y+{}=0'.format(*hlist))
    ...         xi = np.linspace(xlim[sign], -h[2]/h[0], 100)
    ...         ax.fill_between(xi, ylim[0], ylim[1], **fmt)
    ...     else:
    ...         ax.plot(x, (-h[2]-h[0]*x)/h[1], label='{}x+{}y+{}=0'.format(*hlist))
    ...         ax.fill_between(x, (-h[2]-h[0]*x)/h[1], ylim[sign], **fmt)
    >>> x, y = zip(*hs.intersections)
    >>> ax.plot(x, y, 'o', markersize=8)

    By default, qhull does not provide with a way to compute an interior point.
    This can easily be computed using linear programming. Considering halfspaces
    of the form :math:`Ax + b \leq 0`, solving the linear program:

    .. math::

        max \: y

        s.t. Ax + y ||A_i|| \leq -b

    With :math:`A_i` being the rows of A, i.e. the normals to each plane.

    Will yield a point x that is furthest inside the convex polyhedron. To
    be precise, it is the center of the largest hypersphere of radius y
    inscribed in the polyhedron. This point is called the Chebyshev center
    of the polyhedron (see [1]_ 4.3.1, pp148-149). The
    equations outputted by Qhull are always normalized.

    >>> from scipy.optimize import linprog
    >>> from matplotlib.patches import Circle
    >>> norm_vector = np.reshape(np.linalg.norm(halfspaces[:, :-1], axis=1),
    ...     (halfspaces.shape[0], 1))
    >>> c = np.zeros((halfspaces.shape[1],))
    >>> c[-1] = -1
    >>> A = np.hstack((halfspaces[:, :-1], norm_vector))
    >>> b = - halfspaces[:, -1:]
    >>> res = linprog(c, A_ub=A, b_ub=b, bounds=(None, None))
    >>> x = res.x[:-1]
    >>> y = res.x[-1]
    >>> circle = Circle(x, radius=y, alpha=0.3)
    >>> ax.add_patch(circle)
    >>> plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.6, 1.0))

    .. [Qhull]
    .. [1] S. Boyd, L. Vandenberghe, Convex Optimization, available



Signature du constructeur Description
__init__(self, halfspaces, interior_point, incremental=False, qhull_options=None)

Liste des propriétés

Nom de la propriétéDescription

Liste des opérateurs

Opérateurs hérités de la classe object

__eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__

Liste des méthodes

Toutes les méthodes Méthodes d'instance Méthodes statiques Méthodes dépréciées
Signature de la méthodeDescription
add_halfspaces(self, halfspaces, restart=False)

Méthodes héritées de la classe _QhullUser

__del__, __init_subclass__, __subclasshook__, close

Méthodes héritées de la classe object

__delattr__, __dir__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__