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Module « scipy.io »
Classe « FortranFile »
Informations générales
class FortranFile(builtins.object):
Description [extrait de FortranFile.__doc__]
A file object for unformatted sequential files from Fortran code.
filename : file or str
Open file object or filename.
mode : {'r', 'w'}, optional
Read-write mode, default is 'r'.
header_dtype : dtype, optional
Data type of the header. Size and endiness must match the input/output file.
These files are broken up into records of unspecified types. The size of
each record is given at the start (although the size of this header is not
standard) and the data is written onto disk without any formatting. Fortran
compilers supporting the BACKSPACE statement will write a second copy of
the size to facilitate backwards seeking.
This class only supports files written with both sizes for the record.
It also does not support the subrecords used in Intel and gfortran compilers
for records which are greater than 2GB with a 4-byte header.
An example of an unformatted sequential file in Fortran would be written as::
OPEN(1, FILE=myfilename, FORM='unformatted')
WRITE(1) myvariable
Since this is a non-standard file format, whose contents depend on the
compiler and the endianness of the machine, caution is advised. Files from
gfortran 4.8.0 and gfortran 4.1.2 on x86_64 are known to work.
Consider using Fortran direct-access files or files from the newer Stream
I/O, which can be easily read by `numpy.fromfile`.
To create an unformatted sequential Fortran file:
>>> from scipy.io import FortranFile
>>> f = FortranFile('test.unf', 'w')
>>> f.write_record(np.array([1,2,3,4,5], dtype=np.int32))
>>> f.write_record(np.linspace(0,1,20).reshape((5,4)).T)
>>> f.close()
To read this file:
>>> f = FortranFile('test.unf', 'r')
>>> print(f.read_ints(np.int32))
[1 2 3 4 5]
>>> print(f.read_reals(float).reshape((5,4), order="F"))
[[0. 0.05263158 0.10526316 0.15789474]
[0.21052632 0.26315789 0.31578947 0.36842105]
[0.42105263 0.47368421 0.52631579 0.57894737]
[0.63157895 0.68421053 0.73684211 0.78947368]
[0.84210526 0.89473684 0.94736842 1. ]]
>>> f.close()
Or, in Fortran::
integer :: a(5), i
double precision :: b(5,4)
open(1, file='test.unf', form='unformatted')
read(1) a
read(1) b
write(*,*) a
do i = 1, 5
write(*,*) b(i,:)
end do
Liste des opérateurs
Opérateurs hérités de la classe object
Liste des méthodes
Toutes les méthodes
Méthodes d'instance
Méthodes statiques
Méthodes dépréciées
Méthodes héritées de la classe object
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