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Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Classe « MultiIndex »

Méthode pandas.MultiIndex.to_frame

Signature de la méthode to_frame

def to_frame(self, index=True, name=None) 



        Create a DataFrame with the levels of the MultiIndex as columns.

        Column ordering is determined by the DataFrame constructor with data as
        a dict.

        .. versionadded:: 0.24.0

        index : bool, default True
            Set the index of the returned DataFrame as the original MultiIndex.

        name : list / sequence of str, optional
            The passed names should substitute index level names.

        DataFrame : a DataFrame containing the original MultiIndex data.

        See Also
        DataFrame : Two-dimensional, size-mutable, potentially heterogeneous
            tabular data.

        >>> mi = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']])
        >>> mi
        MultiIndex([('a', 'c'),
                    ('b', 'd')],

        >>> df = mi.to_frame()
        >>> df
             0  1
        a c  a  c
        b d  b  d

        >>> df = mi.to_frame(index=False)
        >>> df
           0  1
        0  a  c
        1  b  d

        >>> df = mi.to_frame(name=['x', 'y'])
        >>> df
             x  y
        a c  a  c
        b d  b  d