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Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Classe « MultiIndex »

Méthode pandas.MultiIndex.slice_locs

Signature de la méthode slice_locs

def slice_locs(self, start=None, end=None, step=None, kind=None) 



        For an ordered MultiIndex, compute the slice locations for input

        The input labels can be tuples representing partial levels, e.g. for a
        MultiIndex with 3 levels, you can pass a single value (corresponding to
        the first level), or a 1-, 2-, or 3-tuple.

        start : label or tuple, default None
            If None, defaults to the beginning
        end : label or tuple
            If None, defaults to the end
        step : int or None
            Slice step
        kind : string, optional, defaults None

        (start, end) : (int, int)

        This method only works if the MultiIndex is properly lexsorted. So,
        if only the first 2 levels of a 3-level MultiIndex are lexsorted,
        you can only pass two levels to ``.slice_locs``.

        >>> mi = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([list('abbd'), list('deff')],
        ...                                names=['A', 'B'])

        Get the slice locations from the beginning of 'b' in the first level
        until the end of the multiindex:

        >>> mi.slice_locs(start='b')
        (1, 4)

        Like above, but stop at the end of 'b' in the first level and 'f' in
        the second level:

        >>> mi.slice_locs(start='b', end=('b', 'f'))
        (1, 3)

        See Also
        MultiIndex.get_loc : Get location for a label or a tuple of labels.
        MultiIndex.get_locs : Get location for a label/slice/list/mask or a
                              sequence of such.