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Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Classe « MultiIndex »

Méthode pandas.MultiIndex.get_loc

Signature de la méthode get_loc

def get_loc(self, key, method=None) 



        Get location for a label or a tuple of labels.

        The location is returned as an integer/slice or boolean

        key : label or tuple of labels (one for each level)
        method : None

        loc : int, slice object or boolean mask
            If the key is past the lexsort depth, the return may be a
            boolean mask array, otherwise it is always a slice or int.

        See Also
        Index.get_loc : The get_loc method for (single-level) index.
        MultiIndex.slice_locs : Get slice location given start label(s) and
                                end label(s).
        MultiIndex.get_locs : Get location for a label/slice/list/mask or a
                              sequence of such.

        The key cannot be a slice, list of same-level labels, a boolean mask,
        or a sequence of such. If you want to use those, use
        :meth:`MultiIndex.get_locs` instead.

        >>> mi = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([list('abb'), list('def')])

        >>> mi.get_loc('b')
        slice(1, 3, None)

        >>> mi.get_loc(('b', 'e'))