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Description des améliorations :

Classe « Categorical »

Méthode pandas.Categorical.set_categories

Signature de la méthode set_categories

def set_categories(self, new_categories, ordered=None, rename=False, inplace=False) 



        Set the categories to the specified new_categories.

        `new_categories` can include new categories (which will result in
        unused categories) or remove old categories (which results in values
        set to NaN). If `rename==True`, the categories will simple be renamed
        (less or more items than in old categories will result in values set to
        NaN or in unused categories respectively).

        This method can be used to perform more than one action of adding,
        removing, and reordering simultaneously and is therefore faster than
        performing the individual steps via the more specialised methods.

        On the other hand this methods does not do checks (e.g., whether the
        old categories are included in the new categories on a reorder), which
        can result in surprising changes, for example when using special string
        dtypes, which does not considers a S1 string equal to a single char
        python string.

        new_categories : Index-like
           The categories in new order.
        ordered : bool, default False
           Whether or not the categorical is treated as a ordered categorical.
           If not given, do not change the ordered information.
        rename : bool, default False
           Whether or not the new_categories should be considered as a rename
           of the old categories or as reordered categories.
        inplace : bool, default False
           Whether or not to reorder the categories in-place or return a copy
           of this categorical with reordered categories.

        Categorical with reordered categories or None if inplace.

            If new_categories does not validate as categories

        See Also
        rename_categories : Rename categories.
        reorder_categories : Reorder categories.
        add_categories : Add new categories.
        remove_categories : Remove the specified categories.
        remove_unused_categories : Remove categories which are not used.