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Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Classe « Categorical »

Méthode pandas.Categorical.rename_categories

Signature de la méthode rename_categories

def rename_categories(self, new_categories, inplace=False) 



        Rename categories.

        new_categories : list-like, dict-like or callable

            New categories which will replace old categories.

            * list-like: all items must be unique and the number of items in
              the new categories must match the existing number of categories.

            * dict-like: specifies a mapping from
              old categories to new. Categories not contained in the mapping
              are passed through and extra categories in the mapping are

            * callable : a callable that is called on all items in the old
              categories and whose return values comprise the new categories.

        inplace : bool, default False
            Whether or not to rename the categories inplace or return a copy of
            this categorical with renamed categories.

        cat : Categorical or None
            Categorical with removed categories or None if ``inplace=True``.

            If new categories are list-like and do not have the same number of
            items than the current categories or do not validate as categories

        See Also
        reorder_categories : Reorder categories.
        add_categories : Add new categories.
        remove_categories : Remove the specified categories.
        remove_unused_categories : Remove categories which are not used.
        set_categories : Set the categories to the specified ones.

        >>> c = pd.Categorical(['a', 'a', 'b'])
        >>> c.rename_categories([0, 1])
        [0, 0, 1]
        Categories (2, int64): [0, 1]

        For dict-like ``new_categories``, extra keys are ignored and
        categories not in the dictionary are passed through

        >>> c.rename_categories({'a': 'A', 'c': 'C'})
        ['A', 'A', 'b']
        Categories (2, object): ['A', 'b']

        You may also provide a callable to create the new categories

        >>> c.rename_categories(lambda x: x.upper())
        ['A', 'A', 'B']
        Categories (2, object): ['A', 'B']