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Close this Session, using connection invalidation.
This is a variant of :meth:`.Session.close` that will additionally
ensure that the :meth:`_engine.Connection.invalidate`
method will be called on each :class:`_engine.Connection` object
that is currently in use for a transaction (typically there is only
one connection unless the :class:`_orm.Session` is used with
multiple engines).
This can be called when the database is known to be in a state where
the connections are no longer safe to be used.
Below illustrates a scenario when using `gevent
<https://www.gevent.org/>`_, which can produce ``Timeout`` exceptions
that may mean the underlying connection should be discarded::
import gevent
sess = Session()
except gevent.Timeout:
The method additionally does everything that :meth:`_orm.Session.close`
does, including that all ORM objects are expunged.
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