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Expires all persistent instances within this Session.
When any attributes on a persistent instance is next accessed,
a query will be issued using the
:class:`.Session` object's current transactional context in order to
load all expired attributes for the given instance. Note that
a highly isolated transaction will return the same values as were
previously read in that same transaction, regardless of changes
in database state outside of that transaction.
To expire individual objects and individual attributes
on those objects, use :meth:`Session.expire`.
The :class:`.Session` object's default behavior is to
expire all state whenever the :meth:`Session.rollback`
or :meth:`Session.commit` methods are called, so that new
state can be loaded for the new transaction. For this reason,
calling :meth:`Session.expire_all` should not be needed when
autocommit is ``False``, assuming the transaction is isolated.
.. seealso::
:ref:`session_expire` - introductory material
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