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Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Classe « Session »

Constructeur sqlalchemy.orm.Session.__init__

Signature de la constructeur __init__

def __init__(self, bind=None, autoflush=True, future=False, expire_on_commit=True, autocommit=False, twophase=False, binds=None, enable_baked_queries=True, info=None, query_cls=None) 



Construct a new Session.

        See also the :class:`.sessionmaker` function which is used to
        generate a :class:`.Session`-producing callable with a given
        set of arguments.

        :param autocommit:
          Defaults to ``False``. When ``True``, the
          :class:`.Session` does not automatically begin transactions for
          individual statement executions, will acquire connections from the
          engine on an as-needed basis, releasing to the connection pool
          after each statement. Flushes will begin and commit (or possibly
          rollback) their own transaction if no transaction is present.
          When using this mode, the
          :meth:`.Session.begin` method may be used to explicitly start
          transactions, but the usual "autobegin" behavior is not present.

          .. deprecated:: 1.4 The :paramref:`.Session.autocommit` parameter is deprecated and will be removed in SQLAlchemy version 2.0.  The :class:`_orm.Session` now features "autobegin" behavior such that the :meth:`.Session.begin` method may be called if a transaction has not yet been started yet.  See the section :ref:`session_explicit_begin` for background.

        :param autoflush: When ``True``, all query operations will issue a
           :meth:`~.Session.flush` call to this ``Session`` before proceeding.
           This is a convenience feature so that :meth:`~.Session.flush` need
           not be called repeatedly in order for database queries to retrieve
           results. It's typical that ``autoflush`` is used in conjunction
           with ``autocommit=False``. In this scenario, explicit calls to
           :meth:`~.Session.flush` are rarely needed; you usually only need to
           call :meth:`~.Session.commit` (which flushes) to finalize changes.

        :param bind: An optional :class:`_engine.Engine` or
           :class:`_engine.Connection` to
           which this ``Session`` should be bound. When specified, all SQL
           operations performed by this session will execute via this

        :param binds: A dictionary which may specify any number of
           :class:`_engine.Engine` or :class:`_engine.Connection`
           objects as the source of
           connectivity for SQL operations on a per-entity basis.   The keys
           of the dictionary consist of any series of mapped classes,
           arbitrary Python classes that are bases for mapped classes,
           :class:`_schema.Table` objects and :class:`_orm.Mapper` objects.
           values of the dictionary are then instances of
           or less commonly :class:`_engine.Connection` objects.
           Operations which
           proceed relative to a particular mapped class will consult this
           dictionary for the closest matching entity in order to determine
           which :class:`_engine.Engine` should be used for a particular SQL
           operation.    The complete heuristics for resolution are
           described at :meth:`.Session.get_bind`.  Usage looks like::

            Session = sessionmaker(binds={
                SomeMappedClass: create_engine('postgresql://engine1'),
                SomeDeclarativeBase: create_engine('postgresql://engine2'),
                some_mapper: create_engine('postgresql://engine3'),
                some_table: create_engine('postgresql://engine4'),

           .. seealso::





        :param \class_: Specify an alternate class other than
           ``sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`` which should be used by the
           returned class. This is the only argument that is local to the
           :class:`.sessionmaker` function, and is not sent directly to the
           constructor for ``Session``.

        :param enable_baked_queries: defaults to ``True``.  A flag consumed
           by the :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.baked` extension to determine if
           "baked queries" should be cached, as is the normal operation
           of this extension.  When set to ``False``, caching as used by
           this particular extension is disabled.

           .. versionchanged:: 1.4 The ``sqlalchemy.ext.baked`` extension is
              legacy and is not used by any of SQLAlchemy's internals. This
              flag therefore only affects applications that are making explicit
              use of this extension within their own code.

        :param expire_on_commit:  Defaults to ``True``. When ``True``, all
           instances will be fully expired after each :meth:`~.commit`,
           so that all attribute/object access subsequent to a completed
           transaction will load from the most recent database state.

            .. seealso::


        :param future: if True, use 2.0 style transactional and engine
          behavior.  Future mode includes the following behaviors:

          * The :class:`_orm.Session` will not use "bound" metadata in order
            to locate an :class:`_engine.Engine`; the engine or engines in use
            must be specified to the constructor of :class:`_orm.Session` or
            otherwise be configured against the :class:`_orm.sessionmaker`
            in use

          * The "subtransactions" feature of :meth:`_orm.Session.begin` is
            removed in version 2.0 and is disabled when the future flag is

          * The behavior of the :paramref:`_orm.relationship.cascade_backrefs`
            flag on a :func:`_orm.relationship` will always assume
            "False" behavior.

          .. versionadded:: 1.4

          .. seealso::


        :param info: optional dictionary of arbitrary data to be associated
           with this :class:`.Session`.  Is available via the
           :attr:`` attribute.  Note the dictionary is copied at
           construction time so that modifications to the per-
           :class:`.Session` dictionary will be local to that

        :param query_cls:  Class which should be used to create new Query
          objects, as returned by the :meth:`~.Session.query` method.
          Defaults to :class:`_query.Query`.

        :param twophase:  When ``True``, all transactions will be started as
            a "two phase" transaction, i.e. using the "two phase" semantics
            of the database in use along with an XID.  During a
            :meth:`~.commit`, after :meth:`~.flush` has been issued for all
            attached databases, the :meth:`~.TwoPhaseTransaction.prepare`
            method on each database's :class:`.TwoPhaseTransaction` will be
            called. This allows each database to roll back the entire
            transaction, before each transaction is committed.