__copy__(self) |
Support function for `copy.copy()`. [extrait de __copy__.__doc__] |
__deepcopy__(self, memo) |
Support function for `copy.deepcopy()`. [extrait de __deepcopy__.__doc__] |
__del__(self) |
__enter__(self) |
__exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) |
__iter__(self) |
__next__(self) |
Advance the cursor. [extrait de next.__doc__] |
add_option(self, mask) |
Set arbitrary query flags using a bitmask. [extrait de add_option.__doc__] |
allow_disk_use(self, allow_disk_use) |
Specifies whether MongoDB can use temporary disk files while [extrait de allow_disk_use.__doc__] |
batch_size(self, batch_size) |
Limits the number of documents returned in one batch. Each batch [extrait de batch_size.__doc__] |
clone(self) |
Get a clone of this cursor. [extrait de clone.__doc__] |
close(self) |
Explicitly close / kill this cursor. [extrait de close.__doc__] |
collation(self, collation) |
Adds a :class:`~pymongo.collation.Collation` to this query. [extrait de collation.__doc__] |
comment(self, comment) |
Adds a 'comment' to the cursor. [extrait de comment.__doc__] |
count(self, with_limit_and_skip=False) |
**DEPRECATED** - Get the size of the results set for this query. [extrait de count.__doc__] |
distinct(self, key) |
Get a list of distinct values for `key` among all documents [extrait de distinct.__doc__] |
explain(self) |
Returns an explain plan record for this cursor. [extrait de explain.__doc__] |
hint(self, index) |
Adds a 'hint', telling Mongo the proper index to use for the query. [extrait de hint.__doc__] |
limit(self, limit) |
Limits the number of results to be returned by this cursor. [extrait de limit.__doc__] |
max(self, spec) |
Adds ``max`` operator that specifies upper bound for specific index. [extrait de max.__doc__] |
max_await_time_ms(self, max_await_time_ms) |
Specifies a time limit for a getMore operation on a [extrait de max_await_time_ms.__doc__] |
max_scan(self, max_scan) |
**DEPRECATED** - Limit the number of documents to scan when [extrait de max_scan.__doc__] |
max_time_ms(self, max_time_ms) |
Specifies a time limit for a query operation. If the specified [extrait de max_time_ms.__doc__] |
min(self, spec) |
Adds ``min`` operator that specifies lower bound for specific index. [extrait de min.__doc__] |
next(self) |
Advance the cursor. [extrait de next.__doc__] |
remove_option(self, mask) |
Unset arbitrary query flags using a bitmask. [extrait de remove_option.__doc__] |
rewind(self) |
Rewind this cursor to its unevaluated state. [extrait de rewind.__doc__] |
skip(self, skip) |
Skips the first `skip` results of this cursor. [extrait de skip.__doc__] |
sort(self, key_or_list, direction=None) |
Sorts this cursor's results. [extrait de sort.__doc__] |
where(self, code) |
Adds a `$where`_ clause to this query. [extrait de where.__doc__] |
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