__bool__(self) |
self != 0 [extrait de __bool__.__doc__] |
__class_getitem__ |
See PEP 585 [extrait de __class_getitem__.__doc__] |
__copy__ |
Return a shallow copy of a deque. [extrait de __copy__.__doc__] |
__getattribute__(self, name) |
Return getattr(self, name). [extrait de __getattribute__.__doc__] |
__iter__(self) |
Implement iter(self). [extrait de __iter__.__doc__] |
__len__(self) |
Return len(self). [extrait de __len__.__doc__] |
__reduce__ |
Return state information for pickling. [extrait de __reduce__.__doc__] |
__repr__(self) |
Return repr(self). [extrait de __repr__.__doc__] |
__reversed__ |
D.__reversed__() -- return a reverse iterator over the deque [extrait de __reversed__.__doc__] |
__sizeof__ |
D.__sizeof__() -- size of D in memory, in bytes [extrait de __sizeof__.__doc__] |
append |
Add an element to the right side of the deque. [extrait de append.__doc__] |
appendleft |
Add an element to the left side of the deque. [extrait de appendleft.__doc__] |
clear |
Remove all elements from the deque. [extrait de clear.__doc__] |
copy |
Return a shallow copy of a deque. [extrait de copy.__doc__] |
count |
D.count(value) -> integer -- return number of occurrences of value [extrait de count.__doc__] |
extend |
Extend the right side of the deque with elements from the iterable [extrait de extend.__doc__] |
extendleft |
Extend the left side of the deque with elements from the iterable [extrait de extendleft.__doc__] |
index |
D.index(value, [start, [stop]]) -> integer -- return first index of value. [extrait de index.__doc__] |
insert |
D.insert(index, object) -- insert object before index [extrait de insert.__doc__] |
pop |
Remove and return the rightmost element. [extrait de pop.__doc__] |
popleft |
Remove and return the leftmost element. [extrait de popleft.__doc__] |
remove |
D.remove(value) -- remove first occurrence of value. [extrait de remove.__doc__] |
reverse |
D.reverse() -- reverse *IN PLACE* [extrait de reverse.__doc__] |
rotate |
Rotate the deque n steps to the right (default n=1). If n is negative, rotates left. [extrait de rotate.__doc__] |
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