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Get a single document or a slice of documents from this cursor.
.. warning:: A :class:`~Cursor` is not a Python :class:`list`. Each
index access or slice requires that a new query be run using skip
and limit. Do not iterate the cursor using index accesses.
The following example is **extremely inefficient** and may return
surprising results::
cursor = db.collection.find()
# Warning: This runs a new query for each document.
# Don't do this!
for idx in range(10):
Raises :class:`~pymongo.errors.InvalidOperation` if this
cursor has already been used.
To get a single document use an integral index, e.g.::
>>> db.test.find()[50]
An :class:`IndexError` will be raised if the index is negative
or greater than the amount of documents in this cursor. Any
limit previously applied to this cursor will be ignored.
To get a slice of documents use a slice index, e.g.::
>>> db.test.find()[20:25]
This will return this cursor with a limit of ``5`` and skip of
``20`` applied. Using a slice index will override any prior
limits or skips applied to this cursor (including those
applied through previous calls to this method). Raises
:class:`IndexError` when the slice has a step, a negative
start value, or a stop value less than or equal to the start
- `index`: An integer or slice index to be applied to this cursor
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