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Module « flask »

Fonction send_file - module flask

Signature de la fonction send_file

def send_file(path_or_file: Union[os.PathLike, str, BinaryIO], mimetype: Optional[str] = None, as_attachment: bool = False, download_name: Optional[str] = None, attachment_filename: Optional[str] = None, conditional: bool = True, etag: Union[bool, str] = True, add_etags: Optional[bool] = None, last_modified: Union[datetime.datetime, int, float, NoneType] = None, max_age: Union[int, Callable[[Optional[str]], Optional[int]], NoneType] = None, cache_timeout: Optional[int] = None) 



Send the contents of a file to the client.

    The first argument can be a file path or a file-like object. Paths
    are preferred in most cases because Werkzeug can manage the file and
    get extra information from the path. Passing a file-like object
    requires that the file is opened in binary mode, and is mostly
    useful when building a file in memory with :class:`io.BytesIO`.

    Never pass file paths provided by a user. The path is assumed to be
    trusted, so a user could craft a path to access a file you didn't
    intend. Use :func:`send_from_directory` to safely serve
    user-requested paths from within a directory.

    If the WSGI server sets a ``file_wrapper`` in ``environ``, it is
    used, otherwise Werkzeug's built-in wrapper is used. Alternatively,
    if the HTTP server supports ``X-Sendfile``, configuring Flask with
    ``USE_X_SENDFILE = True`` will tell the server to send the given
    path, which is much more efficient than reading it in Python.

    :param path_or_file: The path to the file to send, relative to the
        current working directory if a relative path is given.
        Alternatively, a file-like object opened in binary mode. Make
        sure the file pointer is seeked to the start of the data.
    :param mimetype: The MIME type to send for the file. If not
        provided, it will try to detect it from the file name.
    :param as_attachment: Indicate to a browser that it should offer to
        save the file instead of displaying it.
    :param download_name: The default name browsers will use when saving
        the file. Defaults to the passed file name.
    :param conditional: Enable conditional and range responses based on
        request headers. Requires passing a file path and ``environ``.
    :param etag: Calculate an ETag for the file, which requires passing
        a file path. Can also be a string to use instead.
    :param last_modified: The last modified time to send for the file,
        in seconds. If not provided, it will try to detect it from the
        file path.
    :param max_age: How long the client should cache the file, in
        seconds. If set, ``Cache-Control`` will be ``public``, otherwise
        it will be ``no-cache`` to prefer conditional caching.

    .. versionchanged:: 2.0
        ``download_name`` replaces the ``attachment_filename``
        parameter. If ``as_attachment=False``, it is passed with
        ``Content-Disposition: inline`` instead.

    .. versionchanged:: 2.0
        ``max_age`` replaces the ``cache_timeout`` parameter.
        ``conditional`` is enabled and ``max_age`` is not set by

    .. versionchanged:: 2.0
        ``etag`` replaces the ``add_etags`` parameter. It can be a
        string to use instead of generating one.

    .. versionchanged:: 2.0
        Passing a file-like object that inherits from
        :class:`~io.TextIOBase` will raise a :exc:`ValueError` rather
        than sending an empty file.

    .. versionadded:: 2.0
        Moved the implementation to Werkzeug. This is now a wrapper to
        pass some Flask-specific arguments.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.1
        ``filename`` may be a :class:`~os.PathLike` object.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.1
        Passing a :class:`~io.BytesIO` object supports range requests.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.0.3
        Filenames are encoded with ASCII instead of Latin-1 for broader
        compatibility with WSGI servers.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.0
        UTF-8 filenames as specified in :rfc:`2231` are supported.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.12
        The filename is no longer automatically inferred from file
        objects. If you want to use automatic MIME and etag support,
        pass a filename via ``filename_or_fp`` or

    .. versionchanged:: 0.12
        ``attachment_filename`` is preferred over ``filename`` for MIME

    .. versionchanged:: 0.9
        ``cache_timeout`` defaults to

    .. versionchanged:: 0.7
        MIME guessing and etag support for file-like objects was
        deprecated because it was unreliable. Pass a filename if you are
        able to, otherwise attach an etag yourself.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.5
        The ``add_etags``, ``cache_timeout`` and ``conditional``
        parameters were added. The default behavior is to add etags.

    .. versionadded:: 0.2