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Module « flask »

Fonction get_flashed_messages - module flask

Signature de la fonction get_flashed_messages

def get_flashed_messages(with_categories: bool = False, category_filter: Iterable[str] = ()) -> Union[List[str], List[Tuple[str, str]]] 



Pulls all flashed messages from the session and returns them.
    Further calls in the same request to the function will return
    the same messages.  By default just the messages are returned,
    but when `with_categories` is set to ``True``, the return value will
    be a list of tuples in the form ``(category, message)`` instead.

    Filter the flashed messages to one or more categories by providing those
    categories in `category_filter`.  This allows rendering categories in
    separate html blocks.  The `with_categories` and `category_filter`
    arguments are distinct:

    * `with_categories` controls whether categories are returned with message
      text (``True`` gives a tuple, where ``False`` gives just the message text).
    * `category_filter` filters the messages down to only those matching the
      provided categories.

    See :doc:`/patterns/flashing` for examples.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.3
       `with_categories` parameter added.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.9
        `category_filter` parameter added.

    :param with_categories: set to ``True`` to also receive categories.
    :param category_filter: filter of categories to limit return values.  Only
                            categories in the list will be returned.