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Améliorations / Corrections

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Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Module « flask »

Fonction jsonify - module flask

Signature de la fonction jsonify

def jsonify(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> 'Response' 



Serialize data to JSON and wrap it in a :class:`~flask.Response`
    with the :mimetype:`application/json` mimetype.

    Uses :func:`dumps` to serialize the data, but ``args`` and
    ``kwargs`` are treated as data rather than arguments to

    1.  Single argument: Treated as a single value.
    2.  Multiple arguments: Treated as a list of values.
        ``jsonify(1, 2, 3)`` is the same as ``jsonify([1, 2, 3])``.
    3.  Keyword arguments: Treated as a dict of values.
        ``jsonify(data=data, errors=errors)`` is the same as
        ``jsonify({"data": data, "errors": errors})``.
    4.  Passing both arguments and keyword arguments is not allowed as
        it's not clear what should happen.

    .. code-block:: python

        from flask import jsonify

        def get_current_user():
            return jsonify(

    Will return a JSON response like this:

    .. code-block:: javascript

          "username": "admin",
          "email": "admin@localhost",
          "id": 42

    The default output omits indents and spaces after separators. In
    debug mode or if :data:`JSONIFY_PRETTYPRINT_REGULAR` is ``True``,
    the output will be formatted to be easier to read.

    .. versionchanged:: 2.0.2
        :class:`decimal.Decimal` is supported by converting to a string.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.11
        Added support for serializing top-level arrays. This introduces
        a security risk in ancient browsers. See :ref:`security-json`.

    .. versionadded:: 0.2