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Return elapsed time for executing code in the namespace of the caller.
The supplied code string is compiled with the Python builtin ``compile``.
The precision of the timing is 10 milli-seconds. If the code will execute
fast on this timescale, it can be executed many times to get reasonable
timing accuracy.
code_str : str
The code to be timed.
times : int, optional
The number of times the code is executed. Default is 1. The code is
only compiled once.
label : str, optional
A label to identify `code_str` with. This is passed into ``compile``
as the second argument (for run-time error messages).
elapsed : float
Total elapsed time in seconds for executing `code_str` `times` times.
>>> times = 10
>>> etime = np.testing.measure('for i in range(1000): np.sqrt(i**2)', times=times)
>>> print("Time for a single execution : ", etime / times, "s") # doctest: +SKIP
Time for a single execution : 0.005 s
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