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The base class of all `TransformNode` instances that
actually perform a transformation.
All non-affine transformations should be subclasses of this class.
New affine transformations should be subclasses of `Affine2D`.
Subclasses of this class should override the following members (at
- :attr:`input_dims`
- :attr:`output_dims`
- :meth:`transform`
- :meth:`inverted` (if an inverse exists)
The following attributes may be overridden if the default is unsuitable:
- :attr:`is_separable` (defaults to True for 1D -> 1D transforms, False
- :attr:`has_inverse` (defaults to True if :meth:`inverted` is overridden,
False otherwise)
If the transform needs to do something non-standard with
`matplotlib.path.Path` objects, such as adding curves
where there were once line segments, it should override:
- :meth:`transform_path`
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