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Module « tkinter » Python 3.11.3

Classe « Wm »

Informations générales




class Wm(builtins.object):


Provides functions for the communication with the window manager.


Signature du constructeur Description
__init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs) Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature. [extrait de __init__.__doc__]

Liste des opérateurs

Opérateurs hérités de la classe object

__eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__

Liste des méthodes

Toutes les méthodes Méthodes d'instance Méthodes statiques Méthodes dépréciées
Signature de la méthodeDescription
aspect(self, minNumer=None, minDenom=None, maxNumer=None, maxDenom=None) Instruct the window manager to set the aspect ratio (width/height) [extrait de wm_aspect.__doc__]
attributes(self, *args) This subcommand returns or sets platform specific attributes [extrait de wm_attributes.__doc__]
client(self, name=None) Store NAME in WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property of this widget. Return [extrait de wm_client.__doc__]
colormapwindows(self, *wlist) Store list of window names (WLIST) into WM_COLORMAPWINDOWS property [extrait de wm_colormapwindows.__doc__]
command(self, value=None) Store VALUE in WM_COMMAND property. It is the command [extrait de wm_command.__doc__]
deiconify(self) Deiconify this widget. If it was never mapped it will not be mapped. [extrait de wm_deiconify.__doc__]
focusmodel(self, model=None) Set focus model to MODEL. "active" means that this widget will claim [extrait de wm_focusmodel.__doc__]
forget(self, window) The window will be unmapped from the screen and will no longer [extrait de wm_forget.__doc__]
frame(self) Return identifier for decorative frame of this widget if present. [extrait de wm_frame.__doc__]
geometry(self, newGeometry=None) Set geometry to NEWGEOMETRY of the form =widthxheight+x+y. Return [extrait de wm_geometry.__doc__]
grid(self, baseWidth=None, baseHeight=None, widthInc=None, heightInc=None) Instruct the window manager that this widget shall only be [extrait de wm_grid.__doc__]
group(self, pathName=None) Set the group leader widgets for related widgets to PATHNAME. Return [extrait de wm_group.__doc__]
iconbitmap(self, bitmap=None, default=None) Set bitmap for the iconified widget to BITMAP. Return [extrait de wm_iconbitmap.__doc__]
iconify(self) Display widget as icon. [extrait de wm_iconify.__doc__]
iconmask(self, bitmap=None) Set mask for the icon bitmap of this widget. Return the [extrait de wm_iconmask.__doc__]
iconname(self, newName=None) Set the name of the icon for this widget. Return the name if [extrait de wm_iconname.__doc__]
iconphoto(self, default=False, *args) Sets the titlebar icon for this window based on the named photo [extrait de wm_iconphoto.__doc__]
iconposition(self, x=None, y=None) Set the position of the icon of this widget to X and Y. Return [extrait de wm_iconposition.__doc__]
iconwindow(self, pathName=None) Set widget PATHNAME to be displayed instead of icon. Return the current [extrait de wm_iconwindow.__doc__]
manage(self, widget) The widget specified will become a stand alone top-level window. [extrait de wm_manage.__doc__]
maxsize(self, width=None, height=None) Set max WIDTH and HEIGHT for this widget. If the window is gridded [extrait de wm_maxsize.__doc__]
minsize(self, width=None, height=None) Set min WIDTH and HEIGHT for this widget. If the window is gridded [extrait de wm_minsize.__doc__]
overrideredirect(self, boolean=None) Instruct the window manager to ignore this widget [extrait de wm_overrideredirect.__doc__]
positionfrom(self, who=None) Instruct the window manager that the position of this widget shall [extrait de wm_positionfrom.__doc__]
protocol(self, name=None, func=None) Bind function FUNC to command NAME for this widget. [extrait de wm_protocol.__doc__]
resizable(self, width=None, height=None) Instruct the window manager whether this width can be resized [extrait de wm_resizable.__doc__]
sizefrom(self, who=None) Instruct the window manager that the size of this widget shall [extrait de wm_sizefrom.__doc__]
state(self, newstate=None) Query or set the state of this widget as one of normal, icon, [extrait de wm_state.__doc__]
title(self, string=None) Set the title of this widget. [extrait de wm_title.__doc__]
transient(self, master=None) Instruct the window manager that this widget is transient [extrait de wm_transient.__doc__]
withdraw(self) Withdraw this widget from the screen such that it is unmapped [extrait de wm_withdraw.__doc__]
wm_aspect(self, minNumer=None, minDenom=None, maxNumer=None, maxDenom=None) Instruct the window manager to set the aspect ratio (width/height) [extrait de wm_aspect.__doc__]
wm_attributes(self, *args) This subcommand returns or sets platform specific attributes [extrait de wm_attributes.__doc__]
wm_client(self, name=None) Store NAME in WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property of this widget. Return [extrait de wm_client.__doc__]
wm_colormapwindows(self, *wlist) Store list of window names (WLIST) into WM_COLORMAPWINDOWS property [extrait de wm_colormapwindows.__doc__]
wm_command(self, value=None) Store VALUE in WM_COMMAND property. It is the command [extrait de wm_command.__doc__]
wm_deiconify(self) Deiconify this widget. If it was never mapped it will not be mapped. [extrait de wm_deiconify.__doc__]
wm_focusmodel(self, model=None) Set focus model to MODEL. "active" means that this widget will claim [extrait de wm_focusmodel.__doc__]
wm_forget(self, window) The window will be unmapped from the screen and will no longer [extrait de wm_forget.__doc__]
wm_frame(self) Return identifier for decorative frame of this widget if present. [extrait de wm_frame.__doc__]
wm_geometry(self, newGeometry=None) Set geometry to NEWGEOMETRY of the form =widthxheight+x+y. Return [extrait de wm_geometry.__doc__]
wm_grid(self, baseWidth=None, baseHeight=None, widthInc=None, heightInc=None) Instruct the window manager that this widget shall only be [extrait de wm_grid.__doc__]
wm_group(self, pathName=None) Set the group leader widgets for related widgets to PATHNAME. Return [extrait de wm_group.__doc__]
wm_iconbitmap(self, bitmap=None, default=None) Set bitmap for the iconified widget to BITMAP. Return [extrait de wm_iconbitmap.__doc__]
wm_iconify(self) Display widget as icon. [extrait de wm_iconify.__doc__]
wm_iconmask(self, bitmap=None) Set mask for the icon bitmap of this widget. Return the [extrait de wm_iconmask.__doc__]
wm_iconname(self, newName=None) Set the name of the icon for this widget. Return the name if [extrait de wm_iconname.__doc__]
wm_iconphoto(self, default=False, *args) Sets the titlebar icon for this window based on the named photo [extrait de wm_iconphoto.__doc__]
wm_iconposition(self, x=None, y=None) Set the position of the icon of this widget to X and Y. Return [extrait de wm_iconposition.__doc__]
wm_iconwindow(self, pathName=None) Set widget PATHNAME to be displayed instead of icon. Return the current [extrait de wm_iconwindow.__doc__]
wm_manage(self, widget) The widget specified will become a stand alone top-level window. [extrait de wm_manage.__doc__]
wm_maxsize(self, width=None, height=None) Set max WIDTH and HEIGHT for this widget. If the window is gridded [extrait de wm_maxsize.__doc__]
wm_minsize(self, width=None, height=None) Set min WIDTH and HEIGHT for this widget. If the window is gridded [extrait de wm_minsize.__doc__]
wm_overrideredirect(self, boolean=None) Instruct the window manager to ignore this widget [extrait de wm_overrideredirect.__doc__]
wm_positionfrom(self, who=None) Instruct the window manager that the position of this widget shall [extrait de wm_positionfrom.__doc__]
wm_protocol(self, name=None, func=None) Bind function FUNC to command NAME for this widget. [extrait de wm_protocol.__doc__]
wm_resizable(self, width=None, height=None) Instruct the window manager whether this width can be resized [extrait de wm_resizable.__doc__]
wm_sizefrom(self, who=None) Instruct the window manager that the size of this widget shall [extrait de wm_sizefrom.__doc__]
wm_state(self, newstate=None) Query or set the state of this widget as one of normal, icon, [extrait de wm_state.__doc__]
wm_title(self, string=None) Set the title of this widget. [extrait de wm_title.__doc__]
wm_transient(self, master=None) Instruct the window manager that this widget is transient [extrait de wm_transient.__doc__]
wm_withdraw(self) Withdraw this widget from the screen such that it is unmapped [extrait de wm_withdraw.__doc__]

Méthodes héritées de la classe object

__delattr__, __dir__, __format__, __getattribute__, __getstate__, __hash__, __init_subclass__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__