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Python 3.11.3

Contenu du module « tkinter »

Liste des classes du module tkinter

Nom de la classe Description
BaseWidget Internal class. [extrait de BaseWidget.__doc__]
BitmapImage Widget which can display images in XBM format. [extrait de BitmapImage.__doc__]
BooleanVar Value holder for boolean variables. [extrait de BooleanVar.__doc__]
Button Button widget. [extrait de Button.__doc__]
CallWrapper Internal class. Stores function to call when some user [extrait de CallWrapper.__doc__]
Canvas Canvas widget to display graphical elements like lines or text. [extrait de Canvas.__doc__]
Checkbutton Checkbutton widget which is either in on- or off-state. [extrait de Checkbutton.__doc__]
DoubleVar Value holder for float variables. [extrait de DoubleVar.__doc__]
Entry Entry widget which allows displaying simple text. [extrait de Entry.__doc__]
Event Container for the properties of an event. [extrait de Event.__doc__]
EventType An enumeration. [extrait de EventType.__doc__]
Frame Frame widget which may contain other widgets and can have a 3D border. [extrait de Frame.__doc__]
Grid Geometry manager Grid. [extrait de Grid.__doc__]
Image Base class for images. [extrait de Image.__doc__]
IntVar Value holder for integer variables. [extrait de IntVar.__doc__]
Label Label widget which can display text and bitmaps. [extrait de Label.__doc__]
LabelFrame labelframe widget. [extrait de LabelFrame.__doc__]
Listbox Listbox widget which can display a list of strings. [extrait de Listbox.__doc__]
Menu Menu widget which allows displaying menu bars, pull-down menus and pop-up menus. [extrait de Menu.__doc__]
Menubutton Menubutton widget, obsolete since Tk8.0. [extrait de Menubutton.__doc__]
Message Message widget to display multiline text. Obsolete since Label does it too. [extrait de Message.__doc__]
Misc Internal class. [extrait de Misc.__doc__]
OptionMenu OptionMenu which allows the user to select a value from a menu. [extrait de OptionMenu.__doc__]
Pack Geometry manager Pack. [extrait de Pack.__doc__]
PanedWindow panedwindow widget. [extrait de PanedWindow.__doc__]
PhotoImage Widget which can display images in PGM, PPM, GIF, PNG format. [extrait de PhotoImage.__doc__]
Place Geometry manager Place. [extrait de Place.__doc__]
Radiobutton Radiobutton widget which shows only one of several buttons in on-state. [extrait de Radiobutton.__doc__]
Scale Scale widget which can display a numerical scale. [extrait de Scale.__doc__]
Scrollbar Scrollbar widget which displays a slider at a certain position. [extrait de Scrollbar.__doc__]
Spinbox spinbox widget. [extrait de Spinbox.__doc__]
StringVar Value holder for strings variables. [extrait de StringVar.__doc__]
Text Text widget which can display text in various forms. [extrait de Text.__doc__]
Tk Toplevel widget of Tk which represents mostly the main window [extrait de Tk.__doc__]
Toplevel Toplevel widget, e.g. for dialogs. [extrait de Toplevel.__doc__]
Variable Class to define value holders for e.g. buttons. [extrait de Variable.__doc__]
Widget Internal class. [extrait de Widget.__doc__]
Wm Provides functions for the communication with the window manager. [extrait de Wm.__doc__]
XView Mix-in class for querying and changing the horizontal position [extrait de XView.__doc__]
YView Mix-in class for querying and changing the vertical position [extrait de YView.__doc__]

Liste des exceptions du module tkinter

Nom de la classe d'exception Description

Liste des fonctions du module tkinter

Signature de la fonction Description
getboolean(s) Convert Tcl object to True or False. [extrait de getboolean.__doc__]
mainloop(n=0) Run the main loop of Tcl. [extrait de mainloop.__doc__]
NoDefaultRoot() Inhibit setting of default root window. [extrait de NoDefaultRoot.__doc__]
Tcl(screenName=None, baseName=None, className='Tk', useTk=False)

Liste des variables globales du module tkinter

Nom de la variable globale Valeur
ACTIVE active
ALL all
ANCHOR anchor
ARC arc
BASELINE baseline
BEVEL bevel
BOTH both
BOTTOM bottom
BROWSE browse
BUTT butt
CASCADE cascade
CENTER center
CHAR char
CHECKBUTTON checkbutton
CHORD chord
COMMAND command
CURRENT current
DISABLED disabled
DOTBOX dotbox
E e
END end
EW ew
EXTENDED extended
FIRST first
FLAT flat
GROOVE groove
HIDDEN hidden
HORIZONTAL horizontal
INSERT insert
INSIDE inside
LAST last
LEFT left
MITER miter
MOVETO moveto
MULTIPLE multiple
N n
NE ne
NO 0
NONE none
NORMAL normal
NS ns
NSEW nsew
NUMERIC numeric
NW nw
ON 1
OUTSIDE outside
PAGES pages
PIESLICE pieslice
PROJECTING projecting
RADIOBUTTON radiobutton
RAISED raised
RIDGE ridge
RIGHT right
ROUND round
S s
SCROLL scroll
SE se
SEL sel
SEL_FIRST sel.first
SEL_LAST sel.last
SEPARATOR separator
SINGLE single
SOLID solid
SUNKEN sunken
SW sw
TclVersion 8.6
TkVersion 8.6
TOP top
UNDERLINE underline
UNITS units
VERTICAL vertical
W w
wantobjects 1
WORD word
X x
Y y

Liste des alias du module tkinter

Nom de l'alias Définition ciblée
getdouble float
getint int