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Module « statistics » Python 3.11.3

Fonction linear_regression - module statistics

Signature de la fonction linear_regression

def linear_regression(x, y, /, *, proportional=False) 



Slope and intercept for simple linear regression.

    Return the slope and intercept of simple linear regression
    parameters estimated using ordinary least squares. Simple linear
    regression describes relationship between an independent variable
    *x* and a dependent variable *y* in terms of a linear function:

        y = slope * x + intercept + noise

    where *slope* and *intercept* are the regression parameters that are
    estimated, and noise represents the variability of the data that was
    not explained by the linear regression (it is equal to the
    difference between predicted and actual values of the dependent

    The parameters are returned as a named tuple.

    >>> x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    >>> noise = NormalDist().samples(5, seed=42)
    >>> y = [3 * x[i] + 2 + noise[i] for i in range(5)]
    >>> linear_regression(x, y)  #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    LinearRegression(slope=3.09078914170..., intercept=1.75684970486...)

    If *proportional* is true, the independent variable *x* and the
    dependent variable *y* are assumed to be directly proportional.
    The data is fit to a line passing through the origin.

    Since the *intercept* will always be 0.0, the underlying linear
    function simplifies to:

        y = slope * x + noise

    >>> y = [3 * x[i] + noise[i] for i in range(5)]
    >>> linear_regression(x, y, proportional=True)  #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    LinearRegression(slope=3.02447542484..., intercept=0.0)