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Description des améliorations :

Module « statistics » Python 3.11.3

Fonction harmonic_mean - module statistics

Signature de la fonction harmonic_mean

def harmonic_mean(data, weights=None) 



Return the harmonic mean of data.

    The harmonic mean is the reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of the
    reciprocals of the data.  It can be used for averaging ratios or
    rates, for example speeds.

    Suppose a car travels 40 km/hr for 5 km and then speeds-up to
    60 km/hr for another 5 km. What is the average speed?

        >>> harmonic_mean([40, 60])

    Suppose a car travels 40 km/hr for 5 km, and when traffic clears,
    speeds-up to 60 km/hr for the remaining 30 km of the journey. What
    is the average speed?

        >>> harmonic_mean([40, 60], weights=[5, 30])

    If ``data`` is empty, or any element is less than zero,
    ``harmonic_mean`` will raise ``StatisticsError``.