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Description des améliorations :

Module « matplotlib.pyplot »

Fonction yscale - module matplotlib.pyplot

Signature de la fonction yscale

def yscale(value, **kwargs) 



        Set the y-axis scale.

        value : {"linear", "log", "symlog", "logit", ...} or `.ScaleBase`
            The axis scale type to apply.

            Different keyword arguments are accepted, depending on the scale.
            See the respective class keyword arguments:

            - `matplotlib.scale.LinearScale`
            - `matplotlib.scale.LogScale`
            - `matplotlib.scale.SymmetricalLogScale`
            - `matplotlib.scale.LogitScale`
            - `matplotlib.scale.FuncScale`

        By default, Matplotlib supports the above mentioned scales.
        Additionally, custom scales may be registered using
        `matplotlib.scale.register_scale`. These scales can then also
        be used here.