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Module « matplotlib.pyplot »

Fonction ticklabel_format - module matplotlib.pyplot

Signature de la fonction ticklabel_format

def ticklabel_format(*, axis='both', style='', scilimits=None, useOffset=None, useLocale=None, useMathText=None) 



        Configure the `.ScalarFormatter` used by default for linear axes.

        If a parameter is not set, the corresponding property of the formatter
        is left unchanged.

        axis : {'x', 'y', 'both'}, default: 'both'
            The axes to configure.  Only major ticks are affected.

        style : {'sci', 'scientific', 'plain'}
            Whether to use scientific notation.
            The formatter default is to use scientific notation.

        scilimits : pair of ints (m, n)
            Scientific notation is used only for numbers outside the range
            10\ :sup:`m` to 10\ :sup:`n` (and only if the formatter is
            configured to use scientific notation at all).  Use (0, 0) to
            include all numbers.  Use (m, m) where m != 0 to fix the order of
            magnitude to 10\ :sup:`m`.
            The formatter default is :rc:`axes.formatter.limits`.

        useOffset : bool or float
            If True, the offset is calculated as needed.
            If False, no offset is used.
            If a numeric value, it sets the offset.
            The formatter default is :rc:`axes.formatter.useoffset`.

        useLocale : bool
            Whether to format the number using the current locale or using the
            C (English) locale.  This affects e.g. the decimal separator.  The
            formatter default is :rc:`axes.formatter.use_locale`.

        useMathText : bool
            Render the offset and scientific notation in mathtext.
            The formatter default is :rc:`axes.formatter.use_mathtext`.

            If the current formatter is not a `.ScalarFormatter`.