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Description des améliorations :

Module « matplotlib.pyplot »

Fonction getp - module matplotlib.pyplot

Signature de la fonction getp

def getp(obj, *args, **kwargs) 



    Return the value of an `.Artist`'s *property*, or print all of them.

    obj : `.Artist`
        The queried artist; e.g., a `.Line2D`, a `.Text`, or an `~.axes.Axes`.

    property : str or None, default: None
        If *property* is 'somename', this function returns

        If is is None (or unset), it *prints* all gettable properties from
        *obj*.  Many properties have aliases for shorter typing, e.g. 'lw' is
        an alias for 'linewidth'.  In the output, aliases and full property
        names will be listed as:

          property or alias = value


          linewidth or lw = 2

    See Also