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Instances of the UUID class represent UUIDs as specified in RFC 4122.
UUID objects are immutable, hashable, and usable as dictionary keys.
Converting a UUID to a string with str() yields something in the form
'12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc'. The UUID constructor accepts
five possible forms: a similar string of hexadecimal digits, or a tuple
of six integer fields (with 32-bit, 16-bit, 16-bit, 8-bit, 8-bit, and
48-bit values respectively) as an argument named 'fields', or a string
of 16 bytes (with all the integer fields in big-endian order) as an
argument named 'bytes', or a string of 16 bytes (with the first three
fields in little-endian order) as an argument named 'bytes_le', or a
single 128-bit integer as an argument named 'int'.
UUIDs have these read-only attributes:
bytes the UUID as a 16-byte string (containing the six
integer fields in big-endian byte order)
bytes_le the UUID as a 16-byte string (with time_low, time_mid,
and time_hi_version in little-endian byte order)
fields a tuple of the six integer fields of the UUID,
which are also available as six individual attributes
and two derived attributes:
time_low the first 32 bits of the UUID
time_mid the next 16 bits of the UUID
time_hi_version the next 16 bits of the UUID
clock_seq_hi_variant the next 8 bits of the UUID
clock_seq_low the next 8 bits of the UUID
node the last 48 bits of the UUID
time the 60-bit timestamp
clock_seq the 14-bit sequence number
hex the UUID as a 32-character hexadecimal string
int the UUID as a 128-bit integer
urn the UUID as a URN as specified in RFC 4122
variant the UUID variant (one of the constants RESERVED_NCS,
version the UUID version number (1 through 5, meaningful only
when the variant is RFC_4122)
is_safe An enum indicating whether the UUID has been generated in
a way that is safe for multiprocessing applications, via
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