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Description des améliorations :

Module « numpy.ctypeslib »

Fonction load_library - module numpy.ctypeslib

Signature de la fonction load_library

def load_library(libname, loader_path) 



        It is possible to load a library using
        >>> lib = ctypes.cdll[<full_path_name>] # doctest: +SKIP

        But there are cross-platform considerations, such as library file extensions,
        plus the fact Windows will just load the first library it finds with that name.
        NumPy supplies the load_library function as a convenience.

        libname : str
            Name of the library, which can have 'lib' as a prefix,
            but without an extension.
        loader_path : str
            Where the library can be found.

        ctypes.cdll[libpath] : library object
           A ctypes library object

            If there is no library with the expected extension, or the
            library is defective and cannot be loaded.