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Description des améliorations :

Module « matplotlib »

Fonction use - module matplotlib

Signature de la fonction use

def use(backend, *, force=True) 



    Select the backend used for rendering and GUI integration.

    backend : str
        The backend to switch to.  This can either be one of the standard
        backend names, which are case-insensitive:

        - interactive backends:
          GTK3Agg, GTK3Cairo, MacOSX, nbAgg,
          Qt4Agg, Qt4Cairo, Qt5Agg, Qt5Cairo,
          TkAgg, TkCairo, WebAgg, WX, WXAgg, WXCairo

        - non-interactive backends:
          agg, cairo, pdf, pgf, ps, svg, template

        or a string of the form: ``module://``.

    force : bool, default: True
        If True (the default), raise an `ImportError` if the backend cannot be
        set up (either because it fails to import, or because an incompatible
        GUI interactive framework is already running); if False, ignore the

    See Also