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Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Module « matplotlib »

Fonction rc - module matplotlib

Signature de la fonction rc

def rc(group, **kwargs) 



    Set the current `.rcParams`.  *group* is the grouping for the rc, e.g.,
    for ``lines.linewidth`` the group is ``lines``, for
    ``axes.facecolor``, the group is ``axes``, and so on.  Group may
    also be a list or tuple of group names, e.g., (*xtick*, *ytick*).
    *kwargs* is a dictionary attribute name/value pairs, e.g.,::

      rc('lines', linewidth=2, color='r')

    sets the current `.rcParams` and is equivalent to::

      rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2
      rcParams['lines.color'] = 'r'

    The following aliases are available to save typing for interactive users:

    =====   =================
    Alias   Property
    =====   =================
    'lw'    'linewidth'
    'ls'    'linestyle'
    'c'     'color'
    'fc'    'facecolor'
    'ec'    'edgecolor'
    'mew'   'markeredgewidth'
    'aa'    'antialiased'
    =====   =================

    Thus you could abbreviate the above call as::

          rc('lines', lw=2, c='r')

    Note you can use python's kwargs dictionary facility to store
    dictionaries of default parameters.  e.g., you can customize the
    font rc as follows::

      font = {'family' : 'monospace',
              'weight' : 'bold',
              'size'   : 'larger'}
      rc('font', **font)  # pass in the font dict as kwargs

    This enables you to easily switch between several configurations.  Use
    ``'default')`` or :func:`~matplotlib.rcdefaults` to
    restore the default `.rcParams` after changes.

    Similar functionality is available by using the normal dict interface, i.e.
    ``rcParams.update({"lines.linewidth": 2, ...})`` (but ``rcParams.update``
    does not support abbreviations or grouping).