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Classe « Axes »
Signature de la méthode barbs
def barbs(self, *args, data=None, **kw)
Plot a 2D field of barbs.
Call signature::
barbs([X, Y], U, V, [C], **kw)
Where *X*, *Y* define the barb locations, *U*, *V* define the barb
directions, and *C* optionally sets the color.
All arguments may be 1D or 2D. *U*, *V*, *C* may be masked arrays, but masked
*X*, *Y* are not supported at present.
Barbs are traditionally used in meteorology as a way to plot the speed
and direction of wind observations, but can technically be used to
plot any two dimensional vector quantity. As opposed to arrows, which
give vector magnitude by the length of the arrow, the barbs give more
quantitative information about the vector magnitude by putting slanted
lines or a triangle for various increments in magnitude, as show
schematically below::
: /\ \
: / \ \
: / \ \ \
: / \ \ \
: ------------------------------
The largest increment is given by a triangle (or "flag"). After those
come full lines (barbs). The smallest increment is a half line. There
is only, of course, ever at most 1 half line. If the magnitude is
small and only needs a single half-line and no full lines or
triangles, the half-line is offset from the end of the barb so that it
can be easily distinguished from barbs with a single full line. The
magnitude for the barb shown above would nominally be 65, using the
standard increments of 50, 10, and 5.
See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind_barb.
X, Y : 1D or 2D array-like, optional
The x and y coordinates of the barb locations. See *pivot* for how the
barbs are drawn to the x, y positions.
If not given, they will be generated as a uniform integer meshgrid based
on the dimensions of *U* and *V*.
If *X* and *Y* are 1D but *U*, *V* are 2D, *X*, *Y* are expanded to 2D
using ``X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)``. In this case ``len(X)`` and ``len(Y)``
must match the column and row dimensions of *U* and *V*.
U, V : 1D or 2D array-like
The x and y components of the barb shaft.
C : 1D or 2D array-like, optional
Numeric data that defines the barb colors by colormapping via *norm* and
This does not support explicit colors. If you want to set colors directly,
use *barbcolor* instead.
length : float, default: 7
Length of the barb in points; the other parts of the barb
are scaled against this.
pivot : {'tip', 'middle'} or float, default: 'tip'
The part of the arrow that is anchored to the *X*, *Y* grid. The barb
rotates about this point. This can also be a number, which shifts the
start of the barb that many points away from grid point.
barbcolor : color or color sequence
The color of all parts of the barb except for the flags. This parameter
is analogous to the *edgecolor* parameter for polygons, which can be used
instead. However this parameter will override facecolor.
flagcolor : color or color sequence
The color of any flags on the barb. This parameter is analogous to the
*facecolor* parameter for polygons, which can be used instead. However,
this parameter will override facecolor. If this is not set (and *C* has
not either) then *flagcolor* will be set to match *barbcolor* so that the
barb has a uniform color. If *C* has been set, *flagcolor* has no effect.
sizes : dict, optional
A dictionary of coefficients specifying the ratio of a given
feature to the length of the barb. Only those values one wishes to
override need to be included. These features include:
- 'spacing' - space between features (flags, full/half barbs)
- 'height' - height (distance from shaft to top) of a flag or full barb
- 'width' - width of a flag, twice the width of a full barb
- 'emptybarb' - radius of the circle used for low magnitudes
fill_empty : bool, default: False
Whether the empty barbs (circles) that are drawn should be filled with
the flag color. If they are not filled, the center is transparent.
rounding : bool, default: True
Whether the vector magnitude should be rounded when allocating barb
components. If True, the magnitude is rounded to the nearest multiple
of the half-barb increment. If False, the magnitude is simply truncated
to the next lowest multiple.
barb_increments : dict, optional
A dictionary of increments specifying values to associate with
different parts of the barb. Only those values one wishes to
override need to be included.
- 'half' - half barbs (Default is 5)
- 'full' - full barbs (Default is 10)
- 'flag' - flags (default is 50)
flip_barb : bool or array-like of bool, default: False
Whether the lines and flags should point opposite to normal.
Normal behavior is for the barbs and lines to point right (comes from wind
barbs having these features point towards low pressure in the Northern
A single value is applied to all barbs. Individual barbs can be flipped by
passing a bool array of the same size as *U* and *V*.
barbs : `~matplotlib.quiver.Barbs`
Other Parameters
The barbs can further be customized using `.PolyCollection` keyword
agg_filter: a filter function, which takes a (m, n, 3) float array and a dpi value, and returns a (m, n, 3) array
alpha: array-like or scalar or None
animated: bool
antialiased or aa or antialiaseds: bool or list of bools
array: ndarray or None
capstyle: `.CapStyle` or {'butt', 'projecting', 'round'}
clim: (vmin: float, vmax: float)
clip_box: `.Bbox`
clip_on: bool
clip_path: Patch or (Path, Transform) or None
cmap: `.Colormap` or str or None
color: color or list of rgba tuples
contains: unknown
edgecolor or ec or edgecolors: color or list of colors or 'face'
facecolor or facecolors or fc: color or list of colors
figure: `.Figure`
gid: str
hatch: {'/', '\\', '|', '-', '+', 'x', 'o', 'O', '.', '*'}
in_layout: bool
joinstyle: `.JoinStyle` or {'miter', 'round', 'bevel'}
label: object
linestyle or dashes or linestyles or ls: str or tuple or list thereof
linewidth or linewidths or lw: float or list of floats
norm: `.Normalize` or None
offset_position: unknown
offsets: (N, 2) or (2,) array-like
path_effects: `.AbstractPathEffect`
picker: None or bool or float or callable
pickradius: float
rasterized: bool
sketch_params: (scale: float, length: float, randomness: float)
snap: bool or None
transform: `.Transform`
url: str
urls: list of str or None
visible: bool
zorder: float
.. note::
In addition to the above described arguments, this function can take
a *data* keyword argument. If such a *data* argument is given,
every other argument can also be string ``s``, which is
interpreted as ``data[s]`` (unless this raises an exception).
Objects passed as **data** must support item access (``data[s]``) and
membership test (``s in data``).
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