add_artist(self, artist, clip=False) |
add_axes(self, *args, **kwargs) |
Add an Axes to the figure. [extrait de add_axes.__doc__] |
add_gridspec(self, nrows=1, ncols=1, **kwargs) |
add_subfigure(self, subplotspec, **kwargs) |
add_subplot(self, *args, **kwargs) |
Add an `~.axes.Axes` to the figure as part of a subplot arrangement. [extrait de add_subplot.__doc__] |
align_labels(self, axs=None) |
align_xlabels(self, axs=None) |
align_ylabels(self, axs=None) |
autofmt_xdate(self, bottom=0.2, rotation=30, ha='right', which='major') |
colorbar(self, mappable, cax=None, ax=None, use_gridspec=True, **kw) |
contains(self, mouseevent) |
delaxes(self, ax) |
gca(self, **kwargs) |
Get the current Axes, creating one if necessary. [extrait de gca.__doc__] |
get_children(self) |
Get a list of artists contained in the figure. [extrait de get_children.__doc__] |
get_default_bbox_extra_artists(self) |
get_edgecolor(self) |
Get the edge color of the Figure rectangle. [extrait de get_edgecolor.__doc__] |
get_facecolor(self) |
Get the face color of the Figure rectangle. [extrait de get_facecolor.__doc__] |
get_frameon(self) |
get_linewidth(self) |
get_tightbbox(self, renderer, bbox_extra_artists=None) |
get_window_extent(self, *args, **kwargs) |
legend(self, *args, **kwargs) |
Place a legend on the figure. [extrait de legend.__doc__] |
sca(self, a) |
Set the current Axes to be *a* and return *a*. [extrait de sca.__doc__] |
set_edgecolor(self, color) |
set_facecolor(self, color) |
set_frameon(self, b) |
set_linewidth(self, linewidth) |
subfigures(self, nrows=1, ncols=1, squeeze=True, wspace=None, hspace=None, width_ratios=None, height_ratios=None, **kwargs) |
subplot_mosaic(self, mosaic, *, subplot_kw=None, gridspec_kw=None, empty_sentinel='.') |
subplots(self, nrows=1, ncols=1, *, sharex=False, sharey=False, squeeze=True, subplot_kw=None, gridspec_kw=None) |
subplots_adjust(self, left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None, wspace=None, hspace=None) |
suptitle(self, t, **kwargs) |
Add a centered suptitle to the figure. [extrait de suptitle.__doc__] |
supxlabel(self, t, **kwargs) |
Add a centered supxlabel to the figure. [extrait de supxlabel.__doc__] |
supylabel(self, t, **kwargs) |
Add a centered supylabel to the figure. [extrait de supylabel.__doc__] |
text(self, x, y, s, fontdict=None, **kwargs) |
Add text to figure. [extrait de text.__doc__] |
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