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Description des améliorations :

Module « typing » Python 3.11.3

Fonction dataclass_transform - module typing

Signature de la fonction dataclass_transform

def dataclass_transform(*, eq_default: bool = True, order_default: bool = False, kw_only_default: bool = False, field_specifiers: tuple[typing.Union[type[typing.Any], typing.Callable[..., typing.Any]], ...] = (), **kwargs: Any) -> Callable[[~T], ~T] 



Decorator that marks a function, class, or metaclass as providing
    dataclass-like behavior.

    Example usage with a decorator function:

        T = TypeVar("T")

        def create_model(cls: type[T]) -> type[T]:
            return cls

        class CustomerModel:
            id: int
            name: str

    On a base class:

        class ModelBase: ...

        class CustomerModel(ModelBase):
            id: int
            name: str

    On a metaclass:

        class ModelMeta(type): ...

        class ModelBase(metaclass=ModelMeta): ...

        class CustomerModel(ModelBase):
            id: int
            name: str

    The ``CustomerModel`` classes defined above will
    be treated by type checkers similarly to classes created with
    For example, type checkers will assume these classes have
    ``__init__`` methods that accept ``id`` and ``name``.

    The arguments to this decorator can be used to customize this behavior:
    - ``eq_default`` indicates whether the ``eq`` parameter is assumed to be
        ``True`` or ``False`` if it is omitted by the caller.
    - ``order_default`` indicates whether the ``order`` parameter is
        assumed to be True or False if it is omitted by the caller.
    - ``kw_only_default`` indicates whether the ``kw_only`` parameter is
        assumed to be True or False if it is omitted by the caller.
    - ``field_specifiers`` specifies a static list of supported classes
        or functions that describe fields, similar to ``dataclasses.field()``.
    - Arbitrary other keyword arguments are accepted in order to allow for
        possible future extensions.

    At runtime, this decorator records its arguments in the
    ``__dataclass_transform__`` attribute on the decorated object.
    It has no other runtime effect.

    See PEP 681 for more details.