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Améliorations / Corrections

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Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Module « subprocess » Python 3.11.3

Fonction getstatusoutput - module subprocess

Signature de la fonction getstatusoutput

def getstatusoutput(cmd, *, encoding=None, errors=None) 



Return (exitcode, output) of executing cmd in a shell.

    Execute the string 'cmd' in a shell with 'check_output' and
    return a 2-tuple (status, output). The locale encoding is used
    to decode the output and process newlines.

    A trailing newline is stripped from the output.
    The exit status for the command can be interpreted
    according to the rules for the function 'wait'. Example:

    >>> import subprocess
    >>> subprocess.getstatusoutput('ls /bin/ls')
    (0, '/bin/ls')
    >>> subprocess.getstatusoutput('cat /bin/junk')
    (1, 'cat: /bin/junk: No such file or directory')
    >>> subprocess.getstatusoutput('/bin/junk')
    (127, 'sh: /bin/junk: not found')
    >>> subprocess.getstatusoutput('/bin/kill $$')
    (-15, '')