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Module « sqlite3 » Python 3.11.3

Classe « Connection »

Informations générales




class Connection(builtins.object):


SQLite database connection object.


Signature du constructeur Description
__init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs) Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature. [extrait de __init__.__doc__]

Liste des attributs statiques

Nom de l'attribut Valeur
DatabaseError<member 'DatabaseError' of 'sqlite3.Connection' objects>
DataError<member 'DataError' of 'sqlite3.Connection' objects>
Error<member 'Error' of 'sqlite3.Connection' objects>
in_transaction<attribute 'in_transaction' of 'sqlite3.Connection' objects>
IntegrityError<member 'IntegrityError' of 'sqlite3.Connection' objects>
InterfaceError<member 'InterfaceError' of 'sqlite3.Connection' objects>
InternalError<member 'InternalError' of 'sqlite3.Connection' objects>
isolation_level<attribute 'isolation_level' of 'sqlite3.Connection' objects>
NotSupportedError<member 'NotSupportedError' of 'sqlite3.Connection' objects>
OperationalError<member 'OperationalError' of 'sqlite3.Connection' objects>
ProgrammingError<member 'ProgrammingError' of 'sqlite3.Connection' objects>
row_factory<member 'row_factory' of 'sqlite3.Connection' objects>
text_factory<member 'text_factory' of 'sqlite3.Connection' objects>
total_changes<attribute 'total_changes' of 'sqlite3.Connection' objects>
Warning<member 'Warning' of 'sqlite3.Connection' objects>

Liste des opérateurs

Opérateurs hérités de la classe object

__eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__

Liste des méthodes

Toutes les méthodes Méthodes d'instance Méthodes statiques Méthodes dépréciées
Signature de la méthodeDescription
__call__(self, /, *args, **kwargs) Call self as a function. [extrait de __call__.__doc__]
__enter__(self) Called when the connection is used as a context manager. [extrait de __enter__.__doc__]
__exit__(self, type, value, traceback) Called when the connection is used as a context manager. [extrait de __exit__.__doc__]
backup(self, /, target, *, pages=-1, progress=None, name='main', sleep=0.25) Makes a backup of the database. [extrait de backup.__doc__]
blobopen(self, table, column, row, /, *, readonly=False, name='main') Open and return a BLOB object. [extrait de blobopen.__doc__]
close(self) Close the database connection. [extrait de close.__doc__]
commit(self) Commit any pending transaction to the database. [extrait de commit.__doc__]
create_aggregate(self, /, name, n_arg, aggregate_class) Creates a new aggregate. [extrait de create_aggregate.__doc__]
create_collation(self, name, callback) Creates a collation function. [extrait de create_collation.__doc__]
create_function(self, /, name, narg, func, *, deterministic=False) Creates a new function. [extrait de create_function.__doc__]
create_window_function(self, name, num_params, aggregate_class) Creates or redefines an aggregate window function. Non-standard. [extrait de create_window_function.__doc__]
cursor Return a cursor for the connection. [extrait de cursor.__doc__]
deserialize(self, data, /, *, name='main') Load a serialized database. [extrait de deserialize.__doc__]
enable_load_extension(self, enable) Enable dynamic loading of SQLite extension modules. [extrait de enable_load_extension.__doc__]
execute Executes an SQL statement. [extrait de execute.__doc__]
executemany(self, sql, parameters) Repeatedly executes an SQL statement. [extrait de executemany.__doc__]
executescript(self, sql_script) Executes multiple SQL statements at once. [extrait de executescript.__doc__]
getlimit(self, category) Get connection run-time limits. [extrait de getlimit.__doc__]
interrupt(self) Abort any pending database operation. [extrait de interrupt.__doc__]
iterdump(self) Returns iterator to the dump of the database in an SQL text format. [extrait de iterdump.__doc__]
load_extension(self, name) Load SQLite extension module. [extrait de load_extension.__doc__]
rollback(self) Roll back to the start of any pending transaction. [extrait de rollback.__doc__]
serialize(self, /, *, name='main') Serialize a database into a byte string. [extrait de serialize.__doc__]
set_authorizer(self, /, authorizer_callback) Sets authorizer callback. [extrait de set_authorizer.__doc__]
set_progress_handler(self, /, progress_handler, n) Sets progress handler callback. [extrait de set_progress_handler.__doc__]
set_trace_callback(self, /, trace_callback) Sets a trace callback called for each SQL statement (passed as unicode). [extrait de set_trace_callback.__doc__]
setlimit(self, category, limit) Set connection run-time limits. [extrait de setlimit.__doc__]

Méthodes héritées de la classe object

__delattr__, __dir__, __format__, __getattribute__, __getstate__, __hash__, __init_subclass__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__