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Module « inspect » Python 3.11.3

Classe « Signature »

Informations générales




class Signature(builtins.object):


A Signature object represents the overall signature of a function.
    It stores a Parameter object for each parameter accepted by the
    function, as well as information specific to the function itself.

    A Signature object has the following public attributes and methods:

    * parameters : OrderedDict
        An ordered mapping of parameters' names to the corresponding
        Parameter objects (keyword-only arguments are in the same order
        as listed in `code.co_varnames`).
    * return_annotation : object
        The annotation for the return type of the function if specified.
        If the function has no annotation for its return type, this
        attribute is set to `Signature.empty`.
    * bind(*args, **kwargs) -> BoundArguments
        Creates a mapping from positional and keyword arguments to
    * bind_partial(*args, **kwargs) -> BoundArguments
        Creates a partial mapping from positional and keyword arguments
        to parameters (simulating 'functools.partial' behavior.)


Signature du constructeur Description
__init__(self, parameters=None, *, return_annotation, __validate_parameters__=True) Constructs Signature from the given list of Parameter [extrait de __init__.__doc__]

Liste des propriétés

Nom de la propriétéDescription

Liste des opérateurs

Signature de l'opérateur Description
__eq__(self, other)

Opérateurs hérités de la classe object

__ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__

Liste des méthodes

Toutes les méthodes Méthodes d'instance Méthodes statiques Méthodes dépréciées
Signature de la méthodeDescription
__setstate__(self, state)
bind(self, /, *args, **kwargs) Get a BoundArguments object, that maps the passed `args` [extrait de bind.__doc__]
bind_partial(self, /, *args, **kwargs) Get a BoundArguments object, that partially maps the [extrait de bind_partial.__doc__]
from_callable(obj, *, follow_wrapped=True, globals=None, locals=None, eval_str=False) Constructs Signature for the given callable object. [extrait de from_callable.__doc__]
replace(self, *, parameters=<class 'inspect._void'>, return_annotation=<class 'inspect._void'>) Creates a customized copy of the Signature. [extrait de replace.__doc__]

Méthodes héritées de la classe object

__delattr__, __dir__, __format__, __getattribute__, __getstate__, __init_subclass__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__