addch |
addch([y, x,] ch, [attr=_curses.A_NORMAL]) [extrait de addch.__doc__] |
addnstr |
addnstr([y, x,] str, n, [attr]) [extrait de addnstr.__doc__] |
addstr |
addstr([y, x,] str, [attr]) [extrait de addstr.__doc__] |
attroff(self, attr) |
Remove attribute attr from the "background" set. [extrait de attroff.__doc__] |
attron(self, attr) |
Add attribute attr from the "background" set. [extrait de attron.__doc__] |
attrset(self, attr) |
Set the "background" set of attributes. [extrait de attrset.__doc__] |
bkgd(self, ch, attr=0) |
Set the background property of the window. [extrait de bkgd.__doc__] |
bkgdset(self, ch, attr=0) |
Set the window's background. [extrait de bkgdset.__doc__] |
border |
Draw a border around the edges of the window. [extrait de border.__doc__] |
box |
box([verch=0, horch=0]) [extrait de box.__doc__] |
chgat |
clear |
clearok |
clrtobot |
clrtoeol |
cursyncup |
delch |
delch([y, x]) [extrait de delch.__doc__] |
deleteln |
derwin |
derwin([nlines=0, ncols=0,] begin_y, begin_x) [extrait de derwin.__doc__] |
echochar(self, ch, attr=0) |
Add character ch with attribute attr, and refresh. [extrait de echochar.__doc__] |
enclose(self, y, x) |
Return True if the screen-relative coordinates are enclosed by the window. [extrait de enclose.__doc__] |
erase |
get_wch |
get_wch([y, x]) [extrait de get_wch.__doc__] |
getbegyx |
getbkgd(self) |
Return the window's current background character/attribute pair. [extrait de getbkgd.__doc__] |
getch |
getch([y, x]) [extrait de getch.__doc__] |
getkey |
getkey([y, x]) [extrait de getkey.__doc__] |
getmaxyx |
getparyx |
getstr |
getyx |
hline |
hline([y, x,] ch, n, [attr=_curses.A_NORMAL]) [extrait de hline.__doc__] |
idcok |
idlok |
immedok |
inch |
inch([y, x]) [extrait de inch.__doc__] |
insch |
insch([y, x,] ch, [attr=_curses.A_NORMAL]) [extrait de insch.__doc__] |
insdelln |
insertln |
insnstr |
insnstr([y, x,] str, n, [attr]) [extrait de insnstr.__doc__] |
insstr |
insstr([y, x,] str, [attr]) [extrait de insstr.__doc__] |
instr |
is_linetouched(self, line) |
Return True if the specified line was modified, otherwise return False. [extrait de is_linetouched.__doc__] |
is_wintouched |
keypad |
leaveok |
move |
mvderwin |
mvwin |
nodelay |
notimeout |
noutrefresh |
noutrefresh([pminrow, pmincol, sminrow, smincol, smaxrow, smaxcol]) [extrait de noutrefresh.__doc__] |
overlay |
overlay(destwin, [sminrow, smincol, dminrow, dmincol, dmaxrow, dmaxcol]) [extrait de overlay.__doc__] |
overwrite |
overwrite(destwin, [sminrow, smincol, dminrow, dmincol, dmaxrow, [extrait de overwrite.__doc__] |
putwin(self, file) |
Write all data associated with the window into the provided file object. [extrait de putwin.__doc__] |
redrawln(self, beg, num) |
Mark the specified lines corrupted. [extrait de redrawln.__doc__] |
redrawwin |
refresh |
refresh([pminrow, pmincol, sminrow, smincol, smaxrow, smaxcol]) [extrait de refresh.__doc__] |
resize |
scroll |
scroll([lines=1]) [extrait de scroll.__doc__] |
scrollok |
setscrreg(self, top, bottom) |
Define a software scrolling region. [extrait de setscrreg.__doc__] |
standend |
standout |
subpad |
subwin([nlines=0, ncols=0,] begin_y, begin_x) [extrait de subpad.__doc__] |
subwin |
subwin([nlines=0, ncols=0,] begin_y, begin_x) [extrait de subwin.__doc__] |
syncdown |
syncok |
syncup |
timeout |
touchline |
touchline(start, count, [changed=True]) [extrait de touchline.__doc__] |
touchwin |
untouchwin |
vline |
vline([y, x,] ch, n, [attr=_curses.A_NORMAL]) [extrait de vline.__doc__] |
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