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Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Module « asyncio » Python 3.11.3

Fonction start_server - module asyncio

Signature de la fonction start_server

def start_server(client_connected_cb, host=None, port=None, *, limit=65536, **kwds) 



Start a socket server, call back for each client connected.

    The first parameter, `client_connected_cb`, takes two parameters:
    client_reader, client_writer.  client_reader is a StreamReader
    object, while client_writer is a StreamWriter object.  This
    parameter can either be a plain callback function or a coroutine;
    if it is a coroutine, it will be automatically converted into a

    The rest of the arguments are all the usual arguments to
    loop.create_server() except protocol_factory; most common are
    positional host and port, with various optional keyword arguments
    following.  The return value is the same as loop.create_server().

    Additional optional keyword arguments are loop (to set the event loop
    instance to use) and limit (to set the buffer limit passed to the

    The return value is the same as loop.create_server(), i.e. a
    Server object which can be used to stop the service.