desc | {'LONG_PASSWD': (1, 'New more secure passwords'), 'FOUND_ROWS': (2, 'Found instead of affected rows'), 'LONG_FLAG': (4, 'Get all column flags'), 'CONNECT_WITH_DB': (8, 'One can specify db on connect'), 'NO_SCHEMA': (16, "Don't allow database.table.column"), 'COMPRESS': (32, 'Can use compression protocol'), 'ODBC': (64, 'ODBC client'), 'LOCAL_FILES': (128, 'Can use LOAD DATA LOCAL'), 'IGNORE_SPACE': (256, "Ignore spaces before ''"), 'PROTOCOL_41': (512, 'New 4.1 protocol'), 'INTERACTIVE': (1024, 'This is an interactive client'), 'SSL': (2048, 'Switch to SSL after handshake'), 'IGNORE_SIGPIPE': (4096, 'IGNORE sigpipes'), 'TRANSACTIONS': (8192, 'Client knows about transactions'), 'RESERVED': (16384, 'Old flag for 4.1 protocol'), 'SECURE_CONNECTION': (32768, 'New 4.1 authentication'), 'MULTI_STATEMENTS': (65536, 'Enable/disable multi-stmt support'), 'MULTI_RESULTS': (131072, 'Enable/disable multi-results'), 'PS_MULTI_RESULTS': (262144, 'Multi-results in PS-protocol'), 'PLUGIN_AUTH': (524288, 'Client supports plugin authentication'), 'CONNECT_ARGS': (1048576, 'Client supports connection attributes'), 'PLUGIN_AUTH_LENENC_CLIENT_DATA': (2097152, 'Enable authentication response packet to be larger than 255 bytes'), 'CAN_HANDLE_EXPIRED_PASSWORDS': (4194304, "Don't close the connection for a connection with expired password"), 'SESION_TRACK': (8388608, 'Capable of handling server state change information'), 'DEPRECATE_EOF': (16777216, 'Client no longer needs EOF packet'), 'CLIENT_QUERY_ATTRIBUTES': (134217728, 'Support optional extension for query parameters'), 'SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT': (1073741824, ''), 'REMEMBER_OPTIONS': (2147483648, '')} |
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