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Module « pandas »

Classe « Series »

Informations générales




class Series(IndexOpsMixin, NDFrame):

Description [extrait de Series.__doc__]

    One-dimensional ndarray with axis labels (including time series).

    Labels need not be unique but must be a hashable type. The object
    supports both integer- and label-based indexing and provides a host of
    methods for performing operations involving the index. Statistical
    methods from ndarray have been overridden to automatically exclude
    missing data (currently represented as NaN).

    Operations between Series (+, -, /, *, **) align values based on their
    associated index values-- they need not be the same length. The result
    index will be the sorted union of the two indexes.

    data : array-like, Iterable, dict, or scalar value
        Contains data stored in Series. If data is a dict, argument order is
    index : array-like or Index (1d)
        Values must be hashable and have the same length as `data`.
        Non-unique index values are allowed. Will default to
        RangeIndex (0, 1, 2, ..., n) if not provided. If data is dict-like
        and index is None, then the keys in the data are used as the index. If the
        index is not None, the resulting Series is reindexed with the index values.
    dtype : str, numpy.dtype, or ExtensionDtype, optional
        Data type for the output Series. If not specified, this will be
        inferred from `data`.
        See the :ref:`user guide <basics.dtypes>` for more usages.
    name : str, optional
        The name to give to the Series.
    copy : bool, default False
        Copy input data.

    Constructing Series from a dictionary with an Index specified

    >>> d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
    >>> ser = pd.Series(data=d, index=['a', 'b', 'c'])
    >>> ser
    a   1
    b   2
    c   3
    dtype: int64

    The keys of the dictionary match with the Index values, hence the Index
    values have no effect.

    >>> d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
    >>> ser = pd.Series(data=d, index=['x', 'y', 'z'])
    >>> ser
    x   NaN
    y   NaN
    z   NaN
    dtype: float64

    Note that the Index is first build with the keys from the dictionary.
    After this the Series is reindexed with the given Index values, hence we
    get all NaN as a result.


Signature du constructeur Description
__init__(self, data=None, index=None, dtype=None, name=None, copy=False, fastpath=False)

Liste des attributs statiques

Nom de l'attribut Valeur
index< object at 0x7f504a7a5cd0>

Attributs statiques hérités de la classe SelectionMixin


Attributs statiques hérités de la classe IndexOpsMixin


Liste des propriétés

Nom de la propriétéDescription

Liste des opérateurs

Signature de l'opérateur Description
__getitem__(self, key)
__matmul__(self, other)
__setitem__(self, key, value)

Opérateurs hérités de la classe NDFrame

__contains__, __delitem__, __iadd__, __iand__, __ifloordiv__, __imod__, __imul__, __invert__, __ior__, __ipow__, __isub__, __itruediv__, __ixor__, __neg__, __pos__

Opérateurs hérités de la classe OpsMixin

__add__, __and__, __eq__, __floordiv__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __mod__, __mul__, __ne__, __or__, __pow__, __radd__, __rand__, __rfloordiv__, __rmod__, __rmul__, __ror__, __rpow__, __rsub__, __rtruediv__, __rxor__, __sub__, __truediv__, __xor__

Liste des méthodes

Toutes les méthodes Méthodes d'instance Méthodes statiques Méthodes dépréciées
Signature de la méthodeDescription
__array__(self, dtype=None) -> numpy.ndarray
__len__(self) -> int
__repr__(self) -> str
__rmatmul__(self, other)
agg(self, func=None, axis=0, *args, **kwargs)
aggregate(self, func=None, axis=0, *args, **kwargs)
align(self, other, join='outer', axis=None, level=None, copy=True, fill_value=None, method=None, limit=None, fill_axis=0, broadcast_axis=None)
append(self, to_append, ignore_index=False, verify_integrity=False)
apply(self, func, convert_dtype=True, args=(), **kwds)
argsort(self, axis=0, kind='quicksort', order=None) -> 'Series'
autocorr(self, lag=1) -> float
between(self, left, right, inclusive=True) -> 'Series'
combine(self, other, func, fill_value=None) -> 'Series'
combine_first(self, other) -> 'Series'
compare(self, other: 'Series', align_axis: Union[str, int] = 1, keep_shape: bool = False, keep_equal: bool = False) -> Union[ForwardRef('DataFrame'), ForwardRef('Series')]
corr(self, other, method='pearson', min_periods=None) -> float
count(self, level=None)
cov(self, other: 'Series', min_periods: Optional[int] = None, ddof: Optional[int] = 1) -> float
diff(self, periods: int = 1) -> 'Series'
dot(self, other)
drop(self, labels=None, axis=0, index=None, columns=None, level=None, inplace=False, errors='raise') -> 'Series'
drop_duplicates(self, keep='first', inplace=False) -> Optional[ForwardRef('Series')]
dropna(self, axis=0, inplace=False, how=None)
duplicated(self, keep='first') -> 'Series'
explode(self, ignore_index: bool = False) -> 'Series'
fillna(self, value=None, method=None, axis=None, inplace=False, limit=None, downcast=None) -> Optional[ForwardRef('Series')]
groupby(self, by=None, axis=0, level=None, as_index: bool = True, sort: bool = True, group_keys: bool = True, squeeze: bool = <object object at 0x7f5051439e10>, observed: bool = False, dropna: bool = True) -> 'SeriesGroupBy'
idxmax(self, axis=0, skipna=True, *args, **kwargs)
idxmin(self, axis=0, skipna=True, *args, **kwargs)
isin(self, values) -> 'Series'
isna(self) -> 'Series'
isnull(self) -> 'Series'
items(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[Optional[Hashable], Any]]
iteritems(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[Optional[Hashable], Any]]
keys(self) -> pandas.core.indexes.base.Index
map(self, arg, na_action=None) -> 'Series'
memory_usage(self, index=True, deep=False)
mode(self, dropna=True) -> 'Series'
nlargest(self, n=5, keep='first') -> 'Series'
notna(self) -> 'Series'
notnull(self) -> 'Series'
nsmallest(self, n=5, keep='first') -> 'Series'
pop(self, item: Optional[Hashable]) -> Any
quantile(self, q=0.5, interpolation='linear')
ravel(self, order='C')
reindex(self, index=None, **kwargs)
rename(self, index=None, *, axis=None, copy=True, inplace=False, level=None, errors='ignore')
reorder_levels(self, order) -> 'Series'
repeat(self, repeats, axis=None) -> 'Series'
replace(self, to_replace=None, value=None, inplace=False, limit=None, regex=False, method='pad')
reset_index(self, level=None, drop=False, name=None, inplace=False)
round(self, decimals=0, *args, **kwargs) -> 'Series'
searchsorted(self, value, side='left', sorter=None)
set_axis(self, labels, axis: Union[str, int] = 0, inplace: bool = False)
shift(self, periods=1, freq=None, axis=0, fill_value=None) -> 'Series'
sort_index(self, axis=0, level=None, ascending: Union[bool, int, Sequence[Union[bool, int]]] = True, inplace: bool = False, kind: str = 'quicksort', na_position: str = 'last', sort_remaining: bool = True, ignore_index: bool = False, key: Optional[Callable[[ForwardRef('Index')], Union[ForwardRef('Index'), ~AnyArrayLike]]] = None)
sort_values(self, axis=0, ascending: Union[bool, int, Sequence[Union[bool, int]]] = True, inplace: bool = False, kind: str = 'quicksort', na_position: str = 'last', ignore_index: bool = False, key: Optional[Callable[[ForwardRef('Series')], Union[ForwardRef('Series'), ~AnyArrayLike]]] = None)
swaplevel(self, i=-2, j=-1, copy=True) -> 'Series'
take(self, indices, axis=0, is_copy=None, **kwargs) -> 'Series'
to_dict(self, into=<class 'dict'>)
to_frame(self, name=None) -> 'DataFrame'
to_markdown(self, buf: Optional[IO[str]] = None, mode: str = 'wt', index: bool = True, storage_options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs) -> Optional[str]
to_period(self, freq=None, copy=True) -> 'Series'
to_string(self, buf=None, na_rep='NaN', float_format=None, header=True, index=True, length=False, dtype=False, name=False, max_rows=None, min_rows=None)
to_timestamp(self, freq=None, how='start', copy=True) -> 'Series'
transform(self, func: Union[Callable, str, List[Union[Callable, str]], Dict[Optional[Hashable], Union[Callable, str, List[Union[Callable, str]]]]], axis: Union[str, int] = 0, *args, **kwargs) -> Union[ForwardRef('DataFrame'), ForwardRef('Series')]
unstack(self, level=-1, fill_value=None)
update(self, other) -> None
view(self, dtype=None) -> 'Series'

Méthodes héritées de la classe NDFrame

__abs__, __array_ufunc__, __array_wrap__, __bool__, __copy__, __deepcopy__, __finalize__, __getattr__, __getstate__, __hash__, __init_subclass__, __iter__, __nonzero__, __round__, __setattr__, __setstate__, __subclasshook__, abs, add_prefix, add_suffix, all, any, asfreq, asof, astype, at_time, backfill, between_time, bfill, bool, clip, convert_dtypes, copy, cummax, cummin, cumprod, cumsum, describe, droplevel, equals, ewm, expanding, ffill, filter, first, first_valid_index, get, head, infer_objects, interpolate, kurt, kurtosis, last, last_valid_index, mad, mask, max, mean, median, min, pad, pct_change, pipe, prod, product, rank, reindex_like, rename_axis, resample, rolling, sample, sem, set_flags, skew, slice_shift, squeeze, std, sum, swapaxes, tail, to_clipboard, to_csv, to_excel, to_hdf, to_json, to_latex, to_pickle, to_sql, to_xarray, truncate, tshift, tz_convert, tz_localize, var, where, xs

Méthodes héritées de la classe PandasObject


Méthodes héritées de la classe DirNamesMixin


Méthodes héritées de la classe IndexOpsMixin

argmax, argmin, factorize, item, nunique, to_list, to_numpy, tolist, transpose, value_counts

Méthodes héritées de la classe OpsMixin

__divmod__, __rdivmod__

Méthodes héritées de la classe object

__delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __str__