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Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Classe « Response »

Méthode flask.Response.force_type

Signature de la méthode force_type

def force_type(response: 'Response', environ: Optional[ForwardRef('WSGIEnvironment')] = None) -> 'Response' 



Enforce that the WSGI response is a response object of the current
        type.  Werkzeug will use the :class:`Response` internally in many
        situations like the exceptions.  If you call :meth:`get_response` on an
        exception you will get back a regular :class:`Response` object, even
        if you are using a custom subclass.

        This method can enforce a given response type, and it will also
        convert arbitrary WSGI callables into response objects if an environ
        is provided::

            # convert a Werkzeug response object into an instance of the
            # MyResponseClass subclass.
            response = MyResponseClass.force_type(response)

            # convert any WSGI application into a response object
            response = MyResponseClass.force_type(response, environ)

        This is especially useful if you want to post-process responses in
        the main dispatcher and use functionality provided by your subclass.

        Keep in mind that this will modify response objects in place if

        :param response: a response object or wsgi application.
        :param environ: a WSGI environment object.
        :return: a response object.