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Améliorations / Corrections

Vous avez des améliorations (ou des corrections) à proposer pour ce document : je vous remerçie par avance de m'en faire part, cela m'aide à améliorer le site.

Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Classe « FlaskClient »

Méthode flask.testing.FlaskClient.session_transaction

Signature de la méthode session_transaction

def session_transaction(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Generator[flask.sessions.SessionMixin, NoneType, NoneType] 



When used in combination with a ``with`` statement this opens a
        session transaction.  This can be used to modify the session that
        the test client uses.  Once the ``with`` block is left the session is
        stored back.


            with client.session_transaction() as session:
                session['value'] = 42

        Internally this is implemented by going through a temporary test
        request context and since session handling could depend on
        request variables this function accepts the same arguments as
        :meth:`~flask.Flask.test_request_context` which are directly
        passed through.