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Contenu du module « flask.cli »

Liste des classes du module flask.cli

Nom de la classe Description
AppGroup This works similar to a regular click :class:`~click.Group` but it [extrait de AppGroup.__doc__]
attrgetter attrgetter(attr, ...) --> attrgetter object [extrait de attrgetter.__doc__]
CertParamType Click option type for the ``--cert`` option. Allows either an [extrait de CertParamType.__doc__]
DispatchingApp Special application that dispatches to a Flask application which [extrait de DispatchingApp.__doc__]
FlaskGroup Special subclass of the :class:`AppGroup` group that supports [extrait de FlaskGroup.__doc__]
ScriptInfo Helper object to deal with Flask applications. This is usually not [extrait de ScriptInfo.__doc__]
SeparatedPathType Click option type that accepts a list of values separated by the [extrait de SeparatedPathType.__doc__]
Thread A class that represents a thread of control. [extrait de Thread.__doc__]

Liste des exceptions du module flask.cli

Nom de la classe d'exception Description
NoAppException Raised if an application cannot be found or loaded. [extrait de NoAppException.__doc__]

Liste des fonctions du module flask.cli

Signature de la fonction Description
call_factory(script_info, app_factory, args=None, kwargs=None) Takes an app factory, a ``script_info` object and optionally a tuple [extrait de call_factory.__doc__]
cli(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any Special subclass of the :class:`AppGroup` group that supports [extrait de __doc__]
find_app_by_string(script_info, module, app_name) Check if the given string is a variable name or a function. Call [extrait de find_app_by_string.__doc__]
find_best_app(script_info, module) Given a module instance this tries to find the best possible [extrait de find_best_app.__doc__]
get_debug_flag() -> bool Get whether debug mode should be enabled for the app, indicated [extrait de get_debug_flag.__doc__]
get_env() -> str Get the environment the app is running in, indicated by the [extrait de get_env.__doc__]
get_load_dotenv(default: bool = True) -> bool Get whether the user has disabled loading dotenv files by setting [extrait de get_load_dotenv.__doc__]
get_version(ctx, param, value)
import_string(import_name: str, silent: bool = False) -> Any Imports an object based on a string. This is useful if you want to [extrait de import_string.__doc__]
load_dotenv(path=None) Load "dotenv" files in order of precedence to set environment variables. [extrait de load_dotenv.__doc__]
locate_app(script_info, module_name, app_name, raise_if_not_found=True)
main() -> None
prepare_import(path) Given a filename this will try to calculate the python path, add it [extrait de prepare_import.__doc__]
routes_command(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any Show all registered routes with endpoints and methods. [extrait de __doc__]
run_command(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any Run a local development server. [extrait de __doc__]
shell_command(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any Run an interactive Python shell in the context of a given [extrait de __doc__]
show_server_banner(env, debug, app_import_path, eager_loading) Show extra startup messages the first time the server is run, [extrait de show_server_banner.__doc__]
update_wrapper(wrapper, wrapped, assigned=('__module__', '__name__', '__qualname__', '__doc__', '__annotations__'), updated=('__dict__',)) Update a wrapper function to look like the wrapped function [extrait de update_wrapper.__doc__]
with_appcontext(f) Wraps a callback so that it's guaranteed to be executed with the [extrait de with_appcontext.__doc__]

Liste des variables globales du module flask.cli

Nom de la variable globale Valeur
dotenv None
version_option <Option version>

Liste des alias du module flask.cli

Nom de l'alias Définition ciblée
Lock allocate_lock
pass_script_info decorator

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