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Module « scipy.linalg.interpolative »

Fonction estimate_spectral_norm_diff - module scipy.linalg.interpolative

Signature de la fonction estimate_spectral_norm_diff

def estimate_spectral_norm_diff(A, B, its=20) 



    Estimate spectral norm of the difference of two matrices by the randomized
    power method.

    ..  This function automatically detects the matrix data type and calls the
        appropriate backend. For details, see :func:`backend.idd_diffsnorm` and

    A : :class:`scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator`
        First matrix given as a :class:`scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator` with the
        `matvec` and `rmatvec` methods (to apply the matrix and its adjoint).
    B : :class:`scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator`
        Second matrix given as a :class:`scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator` with
        the `matvec` and `rmatvec` methods (to apply the matrix and its adjoint).
    its : int, optional
        Number of power method iterations.

        Spectral norm estimate of matrix difference.