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Return list of physical_constant keys containing a given string.
sub : str, unicode
Sub-string to search keys for. By default, return all keys.
disp : bool
If True, print the keys that are found and return None.
Otherwise, return the list of keys without printing anything.
keys : list or None
If `disp` is False, the list of keys is returned.
Otherwise, None is returned.
>>> from scipy.constants import find, physical_constants
Which keys in the ``physical_constants`` dictionary contain 'boltzmann'?
>>> find('boltzmann')
['Boltzmann constant',
'Boltzmann constant in Hz/K',
'Boltzmann constant in eV/K',
'Boltzmann constant in inverse meter per kelvin',
'Stefan-Boltzmann constant']
Get the constant called 'Boltzmann constant in Hz/K':
>>> physical_constants['Boltzmann constant in Hz/K']
(20836619120.0, 'Hz K^-1', 0.0)
Find constants with 'radius' in the key:
>>> find('radius')
['Bohr radius',
'classical electron radius',
'deuteron rms charge radius',
'proton rms charge radius']
>>> physical_constants['classical electron radius']
(2.8179403262e-15, 'm', 1.3e-24)
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