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Return x to the power p, (x**p).
If `x` contains negative values, the output is converted to the
complex domain.
x : array_like
The input value(s).
p : array_like of ints
The power(s) to which `x` is raised. If `x` contains multiple values,
`p` has to either be a scalar, or contain the same number of values
as `x`. In the latter case, the result is
``x[0]**p[0], x[1]**p[1], ...``.
out : ndarray or scalar
The result of ``x**p``. If `x` and `p` are scalars, so is `out`,
otherwise an array is returned.
See Also
>>> np.set_printoptions(precision=4)
>>> np.lib.scimath.power([2, 4], 2)
array([ 4, 16])
>>> np.lib.scimath.power([2, 4], -2)
array([0.25 , 0.0625])
>>> np.lib.scimath.power([-2, 4], 2)
array([ 4.-0.j, 16.+0.j])
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