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Vous êtes un professionnel et vous avez besoin d'une formation ? Programmation Python
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Classe « Figure »

Méthode matplotlib.pyplot.Figure.figimage

Signature de la méthode figimage

def figimage(self, X, xo=0, yo=0, alpha=None, norm=None, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, origin=None, resize=False, **kwargs) 



        Add a non-resampled image to the figure.

        The image is attached to the lower or upper left corner depending on

            The image data. This is an array of one of the following shapes:

            - MxN: luminance (grayscale) values
            - MxNx3: RGB values
            - MxNx4: RGBA values

        xo, yo : int
            The *x*/*y* image offset in pixels.

        alpha : None or float
            The alpha blending value.

        norm : `matplotlib.colors.Normalize`
            A `.Normalize` instance to map the luminance to the
            interval [0, 1].

        cmap : str or `matplotlib.colors.Colormap`, default: :rc:`image.cmap`
            The colormap to use.

        vmin, vmax : float
            If *norm* is not given, these values set the data limits for the

        origin : {'upper', 'lower'}, default: :rc:`image.origin`
            Indicates where the [0, 0] index of the array is in the upper left
            or lower left corner of the axes.

        resize : bool
            If *True*, resize the figure to match the given image size.


        Other Parameters
            Additional kwargs are `.Artist` kwargs passed on to `.FigureImage`.

        figimage complements the Axes image (`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow`)
        which will be resampled to fit the current Axes.  If you want
        a resampled image to fill the entire figure, you can define an
        `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` with extent [0, 0, 1, 1].


            f = plt.figure()
            nx = int(f.get_figwidth() * f.dpi)
            ny = int(f.get_figheight() * f.dpi)
            data = np.random.random((ny, nx))

Vous êtes un professionnel et vous avez besoin d'une formation ? Programmation Python
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