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Set the formatter of the major ticker.
In addition to a `~matplotlib.ticker.Formatter` instance,
this also accepts a ``str`` or function.
For a ``str`` a `~matplotlib.ticker.StrMethodFormatter` is used.
The field used for the value must be labeled ``'x'`` and the field used
for the position must be labeled ``'pos'``.
See the `~matplotlib.ticker.StrMethodFormatter` documentation for
more information.
For a function, a `~matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter` is used.
The function must take two inputs (a tick value ``x`` and a
position ``pos``), and return a string containing the corresponding
tick label.
See the `~matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter` documentation for
more information.
formatter : `~matplotlib.ticker.Formatter`, ``str``, or function
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